It does work for me. I do have the same model.
The clean installation, I meant, copy all and only your documents onto a thumb drive or cloud drive, erase the disk by Mac's Disk Utility. I haven't used Time Machine, since I only installed 7 Apps (Office OneNote、OneDrive、Filezilla、Affinity Pro、Phonto Scapre Pro、Eudic、Firefox) and a total erase did not hurt much to me. Also, I misplaced my trust in Apple, so this time I treat Apple as Microsoft. I don't recommend using Time Machine, because I don't want any old settings back to influece the system.
I reinstalled the OS on Sunday night and I didn't install any apps or software to test performance. I went to bed with my laptop on the desk on full charge. (I turned on Wifi, disabled Bluetooth, Location Services, iCloud)*. The next morning was still 100%. I did't use it for the whole day, only checked the battery meter by opening the lid. When I returned home, I opened it again and it was 98%. I started to reinstall all my apps and software and left the laptop with 75% on the desk again before bed. This morning it was 72%. It seems to me the energy comsuption is back to normal. I will try it for more days.
* I disabled iCloud was because I didn't want my MacBook to be in sync with my other devices.