iOS v 12.0.1 with iTunes v 12.6.5
Hello All
Currently I have iTunes v on my Windows 7, 64bit PC. I have left my iTunes at that version because I want the ability to manage my apps on my PC in iTunes.
my iPhone 7 is v 10.3.3 I have left my iPhone at v 10.3.3 because there are/were apps that were not 64bit compatible and I didn't want to lose them. However, I'm getting too many apps now that won't update because my iPhone iOS is too old.
So, I will update my iPhone 7 to the latest iOS version. BUT, I need to know if the iTunes v 12.6.5 will work with that iOS. I've read that it will, but I would like confirmation from someone who is running both.
Then I believe I have to UNINSTALL iTunes 12.6.2 from my PC, then install the new version (I've already downloaded it to my PC - just sitting in a folder right now). Of course, backing up iTunes Library before doing the uninstall.
Then go, backup my phone, and update to the new iOS via iTunes on the PC. ** I don't use iCloud for anything.
Thanks for either confirming or denying
iPod touch, Windows 7