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itunes + iPod classic freezes

When I connect my 80Gig iPod classic to my windows XP machine and play music through the PC's speakers using itunes, every time a song reaches 9 seconds iTunes freezes for 26 seconds - the music still plays but the iTunes window is frozen with no responses to mouse clicks. After the 26 seconds all the mouse clicks happen quickly as if they were queued up and the ellapsed song time skips to 35seconds and then continues on normally. During this 26 second freeze iTunes takes up 50% of the CPU in the Windows task manager Process screen. (The 50% is actually 100% of one of the 2 cores of the dual core CPU)

The freeze also happens sometimes randomly later in songs.

Plugging in the iPod takes about 1min for itunes to start up and it takes about 2 minutes to eject the iPod which seems long, my nano is significantly quicker at this, and exibits no iTunes freezes. This freezing happens on 2 different PC's that I've tried. Anyone seen similar behavior?

I'm using itunes

hp, Windows XP

Posted on Sep 11, 2007 7:09 PM

157 replies

Oct 2, 2007 1:31 PM in response to Jscavuzz

Disregard. Only worked for a short time then started freezing up again. I've tried every solution posted to this forum and my 160 Gig Classic is a dud. It takes too much time to load music. I believe that every time I drag songs from my Library to the iPod Big Brother Apple is checking every song on my iPod to see if I paid for it. The more song, the more time required. I think I'll stick with Microsoft and Windows in the future. At least with My Archos Jukebox I can simply drage and drop my songs with windows explorer.

Oct 2, 2007 11:40 PM in response to gordio

Just an update on my end...

Exchanged my 160GB classic to Apple for a brand spankin' new one. Guess what? nothing has changed. iTunes still freezes up when trying to do anything.

I had a 5:30pm appointment at the genius bar that I made online the day before. They finally called my name at about 6:15pm. The genius there said that he had two other customers THAT DAY with the exact same problem. One of them had already exchanged once before and was back for his 3rd iPod. This whole situation is incredibly SAD.


two other things:
1) My PC isn't the most powerful thing in the world, but I've tried it on two other PC's (including a real hot rod at work) and also my friend's fairly new iMac (not the newest one). It does the exact same thing.

2) When I watched widescreen movies (that I downloaded from iTunes) on the iPod I returned today, instead of black bars at the top and bottom, there are bright white bars. That was very annoying. Haven't tried my new one yet, but hopefully this is not an issue anymore.

Oct 3, 2007 5:38 AM in response to Drewbacca

I was having the same problems with my 160GB. I couldn't get music onto the ipod reliably because of Itunes issues. It locked up for a horribly long time and I traded mine in and got a new one. Same problem 😟
Yesterday I started trying to figure it out and discovered that even though my windows machine is a year old only some of the USB ports are USB 2.0. They were not identified with the USB 2.0 icon so I had to test each one. I finally found the USB 2.0 and I was able to load my full 100gb of music and 20Gb of movies to the Ipod. It is working great now.
Itunes is still slow and will lock up when connecting and ejecting for about 30-45 seconds but I am finally able to load everything and my computer is again stable.
So far I haven't had to force eject the Ipod and lose everything I had loaded.

Oct 3, 2007 5:18 PM in response to Dave Balderstone

Speaking to "Keegan" now at Apple support. Apparently there are some hoops to jump through because this is a replacement unit, and therefore has a zero dollar value, so a direct refund would be... Zero. Word of warning. If you have a failed unit it may be easier for everyone to demand an refund rather than accepting a warranty replacement.
To be fair, the support people I've dealt with so far have been courteous and seem genuinely interested in resolving this to my satisfaction. If you do call for support, remember: be polite, but firm. Be clear on what you expect, and give the support person onthe phone a reason to want to help you. It's okay to say you're angry (I certainly have said it on this call) but don't speak angrily to the person at the other end of the line.

Oct 3, 2007 6:16 PM in response to Dave Balderstone

I'm having the same prob's as the rest of you. Every night I get home and spend hours trying to fix it. Tried entering my serial number on the site for help..........waited, waited and waited. Nothing. Tried calling for support. Apparently the lines are full.
My first and last Apple product. What bothers me is that the company does not seem to even acknowledge there is a issue and state this on their website. If they know about it and are trying to fix it, than a least acknowledge it. I'm easy going and would accept that.

Oct 3, 2007 7:59 PM in response to gordio

I just dropped the following letter in the mail....thought you'd all appriciate it.

Steve Jobs
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, CA 95014

Mr. Jobs,

I am writing to you to express my extreme disappointment with both the new iPod Classic, and with Apple as a company. I have been a loyal supporter of your products for years, and have had an iPod in my pocket everyday since before the click-wheel was introduced. Over the past five years, I have upgraded my iPod almost annually as you added new features. When the 160GB model was announced, I called the local Apple Store daily, and bought one the first day they were in stock. It was my fifth iPod.

The problems with my new iPod wouldn’t start for a few hours, but the disappointment was immediate. I have close to 35,000 songs on my computer, all with album art, which take up 150 GB on my hard drive. The main reason I bought the new iPod, was that I would finally be able to carry all of my music with me. I was shocked and let down when I saw that the iPod Classic, when formatted, only holds 148 GB.

I understand fully that these machines need software to work, but never has an iPod (remember, I’ve had five) had so much of it’s capacity used up before a single song was placed on it. I know this iPod has more features than past models, but the new iPod Nano has all the same features, and somehow manages to have it’s software and music contained on a drive that’s 33% smaller than the amount of space the software alone is taking on my iPod Classic.

As I said, I was disappointed, but I wasn’t frustrated or mad yet; that starts about now.

At 1 second per song, my collection took about 12 hours to load on to my iPod. When it was finally done, I hit eject, and got my first notion that something wasn’t right. It took almost ten minutes for the iPod to eject. The next day, I made some new play lists on my computer, and hooked up the iPod to transfer them over. It took five minutes for my iPod to show up in iTunes, and then the problem started. The problem, is that while iTunes and the iPod work fine when they are apart, when you connect them, nothing works.

When my new iPod is connected to my computer, the entire system freezes for about two minutes, then it works for 20 seconds or so, then it freezes again for two minutes, and so on and so on for as long as the iPod remains attached. I own three computers, and experienced this exact problem on all three. Then I called Apple Care.

The first night I was on the phone for 45 minutes before anyone answered. The gentleman I spoke with had me try a few things, and in the middle of one, hung up on me. I called back immediately and got a recording saying it was after business hours. The next day I was on the phone with another person, who after an hour of trouble shooting, told me I had to format my iPod in order to fix the problem. I told him it took 12 hours to fill, and asked if he was sure this would solve the issue. He said he was positive.

Twelve hours later when the iPod was full again, I was back on the phone, with the same problem, and double the frustration. I spent an hour talking with a product specialist, who said I needed to go to the Genius Bar and have them look at it. He booked me an appointment for two days later. It was during those two days that I discovered a forum on Apple’s discussion boards.

The forum I am speaking of can be found here: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=5329697
If you take the time to look at it, you will find, as of this writing, over 100 people complaining about exactly the same problem I described above. I printed out the forum and brought it with me when I went to speak with the “genius”.

I arrived on time for my appointment at the Genius Bar, and had to wait 45 minutes before they would see me. When they did see me, the first thing they told me was that the problem had to be MY computer. I told them that the problem was happening on three different computers. Then they told me that the problem “must be a PC thing” (way to stick with the company line) however when we connected the iPod to the Mac at the Genius Bar, it crashed that one too.

Next, the “genius” told me that I was the only one having this problem, and it must be a defective iPod. At that point, I showed him the print out of the forum. His response, was that all the people on the forum were “unlucky” and all got defective iPods. He insisted I take a replacement, and promised it would not have the same problem.

After another 12 hour filling period, I was left with a new iPod doing exactly the same thing the first one did.

At this point, I got back on the phone with Apple Care, and after another hour of unsuccessful troubleshooting, I was told that the problem must be a bad file on my hard drive, and the only way to fix it would be to format the iPod and add songs one at a time until the problem started. I said that was ridiculous because the same files worked on my other iPods, not to mention the fact that to do what she was suggesting with 40,000 songs would take months. She said it was my only option.

Rather than taking her “one song at a time” advice verbatim, which if I had I would still be in the middle of, I formatted the iPod and filled it from a friend’s library, with totally different tracks, and of course, this fixed nothing.

You should also know, that the same woman that suggested the above, at one point also told me that my problem was that I had too much downloaded music (I have none) and then changed her mind completely, and said I had imported music off of cds released by too many different record labels. Later, another tech said that was the dumbest thing he’d ever heard.

Anyway, after the fourth re-fill, I got back on the phone to Apple Care and was told by a very rude technician, that there are always problems with new products and I should just wait it out. I told him that was unacceptable, and was transferred to customer service.

The person I spoke with at customer service, told me again, that I was just unlucky and had somehow gotten two defective iPods. He offered me a discount on an iPod Touch, but as I do not want a replacement MP3 player with 90% less capacity than the one I bought initially I turned that down. He told me he would understand if I returned the product, but implored me to try one more unit, again insisting that I was just unlucky. After thinking it over, I gave it a try, and now, after a fifth 12 hour fill up, I am sitting here with a third iPod with the same problem that the previous two had.

Just to recap:
1. I’ve had three different iPod Classics, all with the same problem.
2. I’ve tried them on 5 different computers, both Macs and PCs and had the problem every single time.
3. I’ve tried loading 2 totally different sets of music and still have the problem.
4. There are hundreds of people on-line complaining about the same exact problem, yet every single person I spoke with at Apple insists they’ve never heard of such a thing.
5. I’ve spent 7.5 hours on the phone with Apple Care, 2.5 hours at the Genius Bar and 60 HOURS refilling these iPods over and over again.

I will be going to get a refund sometime this week, however I will get no satisfaction from it. I did not spend literally 10% of the last month (3 full days) working on this for any reason other than the fact that I really wanted the iPod to work; the fact that in the end it didn’t makes it all the more irritating. I am very upset with Apple for releasing a product that clearly wasn’t ready, and for treating the consumers who rushed out to buy it, like beta testers, rather than customers that just handed over $400, plus tax.

In closing, I can promise you one thing. Unless I get some kind of formal apology, and acceptable explanation for this mess (can’t imagine what it would be) I will never buy another Apple product again.

An ex-loyal Apple customer.

Oct 3, 2007 9:00 PM in response to ClassicIrritation

Great letter. Same problems, checking this thread everyday and hoping for a solution. I have 29,000 songs and experience the same exact problems as you. This is my second ipod, and I have called support numerous times. I have done everything I have been told by apple support. I think it's real funny that I have been hung up numerous times in the middle of a tech support call. The best solution I have come up with is to import a bunch of cd's (at least 10) and drag them all over at once. Come back in 10-15 minutes and all the songs are on the ipod, eject and wait another 5 minutes until you can eject. Not acceptable though!!! I actually went out and bought a new computer for this issue alone. I couldn't believe that I was having the same problems with my new Gateway Vista computer. After deleting itunes and re-installing, I lost my library. I had it on a external hard drive and was able to transfer it to my new computer. I lost a lot of art work though and it took me 8 hours to put it back on. All of these problems are due to the new 160gb classic. I'm so sorry I sold my 80gb and 60gb on ebay, the day I bought my new one. I long for the days where I could sync a new cd in about 15 seconds, rather then the entire 15 minutes. I beleive APPLE owes everyone on this thread an apology, a fix, and some sort of reimbursement. One more thing... I have a $400.00 pioneer car stereo that I bought specifically to play my ipod. My new 160gb classic doesn't work correctly on my head unit. It only updates songs for about 15 minutes and then the display doesn't change and I have the same artist and song on my display until I disconnect. This problem for me is just as big as the sync issue. I called pioneer and they said they have had a lot of complaints and it's an apple software issue and they cannot do anything. My second ipod is now over 14 days old and I decided to hang on to it. WHEN WILL THERE BE A FIX?

Oct 3, 2007 11:58 PM in response to Michael Kuker

This seems like a very common problem with the new ipod classic. I today brought a 160 gb ipod classic and to be honest it *****. The reason why sold my 60 gig video was the battery length and the storage of the new ones, but this freezing thing takes the ipod classic to a new low. i understand that any new product has a certain amount of bugs and any one who has vista can tell you how much of a pain they are, an ipod is no exception, so don't be like winddows and fix this problem fast.

p.s. to the guy who wrote the long letter a few posts up, the storage size issue is to do with the classification of a gigabyte manufacturers call it 1000000000 bytes where as computers see a gigabyte as 1070000000 bytes when totaled up it makes a difference.

itunes + iPod classic freezes

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