Here is the instructions (simplified by me) to get rid of the blip/pop.
1. First of all download
hdapm from **
when you open
hdapm.dmg you get this files:
- *Read Me*
2. Now we need to reveal the *hidden folders* in Leopard.
to do this go to the
Terminal (it is into the Utility folder) and open it,
copy the following line :
*defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -boolean true;killall Finder*
and paste in the Terminal, then press enter; leave the Terminal open for now;
3. Go to your Macintosh HD and follow the path */usr → /local → /bin*.
4. Copy and past the program
hdamp to the
/bin folder.
5. Look for the path
/Library and then
Put the
hdapm.plist in here and confirm it with your admin password.
7. Restart your Mac. After reboot, open the
Console (it is into the Utility folder)
and search for the string
hdapm (searchbar is on the right).
if you find :
*Setting APM level to 0xfe*
you are done, just restart the mac and hopefully the blip/pop is gone;
but If you find :
*localhost[2]: launchctl: Dubious ownership on file (skipping): /Library/LaunchDaemons/hdapm.plist*
which was my case, go download the program
Lingon from **
and open it.
8. You have to create a new
.plist for
Click on
New (top-left in the program) and check *User Daemons* and then
In the
1st field fill in:
in the
2nd field :
*/usr/local/bin/hdapm disk0 max*
and in the
3rd field check :
*Run it when it is loaded by the system (at startup or login)*
You created
hdamp2, as you can see on the left.
Click on
hdamp and *disable it* unchecking the box
Reboot you Mac.
9. If everything went right, your blip/pop noises are gone.
The only thing left to do is hide your hidden folders again.
10. Go to the
Terminal again and copy/paste the following line and press enter:
*defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -boolean false;killall Finder*
The End!
you can enjoy now your mac laptop noisefree 😉
ps. save these instructions for the future, because i think we have to do it again every time we update Leopard_
Message was edited by: nezecus