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Cannot connect to iTunes music store

for over a week now i have not been able to get to the music store, as it loads it comes up with a sign that says "iTunes could not connect to the music store. The network connection was reset. Make sure your network connection is active and try again."

I have an active internet connection! i tried all the things apple online support sugessted, none of it worked. then i went to my local apple store they were rude and didnt help me, then i called phone tech support thinking i would have one free call before i would have to pay 50 dollars, but apartely your one free call expires a month after you buy your ipod. so i have no other options unless i want to pay 50 bucks.... does anyone have any advice.

apple company is mean.

Posted on Oct 22, 2005 12:57 PM

122 replies

Nov 15, 2005 6:12 PM in response to biglt

I have just spoken with technical support with Rogers/Yahoo Internet Support and they have recently made some changes to their network and have been hearing about this problem. They gave me the "it's third party software" line. Realistically though, the only way that they will act on this is if they are inundated with requests to fix it. If you are a Rogers customer forward your concerns to internetsupport@rci.rogers.com. Who knows, it might work.

Nov 19, 2005 6:24 AM in response to Nancy Barney

about 2 weeks ago i downloaded the new version of itunes and lost the ability to access the music store. i run IE though comcast cable, but did not need it up to connect. have tried all listed remedies in this discussion and none have worked. i do not have norton and have an ip of 192.etc. starting to lose my mind getting this thing back up and running! any suggestions?

Nov 19, 2005 12:34 PM in response to Nancy Barney

Hmm I thought something was just wrong with me. I tried all the fixes mentioned on here and nothing has been working. My Limewire hasn't been working either. Now I noticed its a common thing with people using Rogers (as that's what im using as well). I've written a complaint so hopefully they'll fix it soon. Someone please post if they get feedback. Thanks

Nov 19, 2005 1:11 PM in response to biglt

I am having the same problem as you. I attempted to use bittorrent for the first time last weekend, and my iTunes music store connection problems started at the same time.

As a result, not only do I have downloading problems with bittorrent, but I can't update iTunes podcasts or buy music.

Do you think there's a connection, or is it a mere coincidence?

Nov 19, 2005 1:18 PM in response to Chris Arnold

I just spoke to someone at Rogers who was familiar with this problem re: connecting to the music store. Apparently the techies have been receiving a number of calls and have mulled over this issue as well.

Here's the bottom line, according to the support guy at Rogers: change your router settings (I'm an idiot with computers and barely understand what that means).

He also said that millions of people are using iTunes right now who are also Rogers subscribers, so it can't be a Rogers' problem. There are only a few who can't access the store.

I still assume it's a Firewall problem, but I've been unable to fix it. C.Banana has been helpful, but I'm sorry to say it's not working for me.

Nov 20, 2005 8:38 AM in response to Chad Moore

having the same problem

just installed a week ago

can see the store and even whats in my cart

can't buy though, get 3 different errors, but they all finish with server cannot be located. xp firewall is off and no other firewall or av software installed. this is too much. oh, i use firefox fwiw.

if you think this is bad you should've seen the problems i had installing itunes.

Nov 20, 2005 11:33 AM in response to mcnez


Rogers is full of it.

I'm in the same situation. It doesn't matter if I'm connected to the router or not. Firewall or not. I even have 2 computers here, neither can now connect. I just tried again connecting directly to the modem, no firewall, no router, no go.

If I use my dialup connection on the same computers I CAN connect.

This just happened after they started monkeying around with the IP addresses in my area. I'm wondering if it's also related to their digital phone service and/or the bit torrent throttling they've implemented.

Please understand, not trying to be harsh with you. Just with Rogers.

P.S. I've now visited 5 people in my city (Cambridge, Ontario, Canada) who are on Rogers and can no longer connect to the Music Store.

Nov 20, 2005 12:50 PM in response to Chris Arnold

Chris and Allen,

I'm in Toronto and also with Rogers. I think I'll just wait it out for another week and keep checking this discussion forum for more feedback and suggestions.

The common variable amongst our music store problems definitely seems to be Rogers.
Thanks for your input.

One more thing: now I can't even play songs on iTunes. I must have been messing with my settings too much. I'm a week away from asking a professional to come in and take a look. How frustrating...

Nov 20, 2005 4:18 PM in response to mcnez

After reading this thread, it is apparent it is a Rogers problem. I also use Napster to Go (Itunes is for my wife) and Napster stopped working about 2-3 works ago. I have been trying both regularly over the last week, mostly unsuccessfully. However, over the last two days, both Itunes and Napster has started to work albeit very poorly and intermittently, and nothing on my side has been changed. They tend to work somewhat early in the morning under low load condition, but almost never in the evening. Rogers is obviously doing changes and not fessing up to the fact that they are no longer (at the current time) compatible with I-tunes and Napster. I can't believe they are not aware of this, and if they claim ignorance, when in fact they know about the problem, then this is almost tatamount to fraud.

Nov 20, 2005 7:28 PM in response to kwmartin

i use to not be able to access the music store, so I re-installed XP. after the install of XP I was able to use it (under service pack 1). After I upgraded to Service Pack 2 I loged in and it said something like, windows security is blocking some features of iTunes. Then it had some selections, Allow Blocked comtent or keep blocking. I clicked allow and it worked fine.

Hope This Helps


Nov 21, 2005 7:14 PM in response to Chris Arnold

Just chiming in...
1. Rogers Cable in Toronto, Ontario
2. iTunes "unable to connect" for over a week
3. Extensive (useless) emails with Apple Music Store employees.
4. iTMS email told me to call APL CARE
5. APL CARE was dumbfounded, as they "don't support iTMS, and ESPECIALLY not for Windows" (their words, they were very nice, but couldn't help
6. I just emailed Rogers
7. All other network apps/connections work fine
8. I've tried it with/without router
9. Friends/family in Toronto running on Rogers also having trouble
10. Also can't believe I'm going through this crap so that I can PAY Apple for songs.

11. I WAS able to connect for a short while 3 days ago. I bought 2 albums - they took VERRRY LONG to download, but did complete. Then I could not connect again.

12. It connected for a few seconds later, and then started to re-download the songs!! iTMS staff confirmed I was billed twice, said they'd refund it, and then told me to be more careful and not buy albums twice

13. Should note, I've had different errors. I've had " unable to connect - check your internet connection" and I've had "Unable to connect - the server timed out"

I'll post the replies I got from "iTunes Music Store". They replied without even reading my complaint.

Thanks for sharing info in here - I know I'm not the only one.
I'll be sure to post when Rogers replies with "it's not our problem".


my failure screen
(note the 'broken link' images)

Cannot connect to iTunes music store

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