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Just READ there is ***********2.0.2****** NEW UPDATE. Hope it fixes GPS

Hope it fixes the GPS and EMAIL issues. How does one back up?

MBP 2.4 Glossy, 2.4 matte, iPhone 3G (wow, what a device), Mac OS X (10.5.4), 1 BAR on 3G=139K+, 1 bar gets a bad rap!!!

Posted on Aug 18, 2008 2:14 PM

187 replies

Aug 18, 2008 7:15 PM in response to ibelieve2

So far the good news for me seems to be a more stable system. No browser or map crashes as of yet.

My 3g bars are still at 4 but I've hardly had issues down here overall. Browsing the internet is pretty quick and I haven't had any dropped calls. The GPS seems to work good enough here as well. Overall things could be a little quicker but I'm not complaining. I just wish they would finally get flash and some other plugins working in safari.

Aug 18, 2008 7:48 PM in response to deimos256

Your text notification sounds stopping is caused by one or more of your Apps. I'm willing to bet you!

If you are using loopt or weather bug or one of the other apps that gatheres and request it's information over the sms network. The apps that use the sms turn off the text notification so you are not bombarded by phantom texts. Try taking all your apps off and send some texts. I bet that you know about every reply you get. Besure to do a hard reset after you remove the apps. Give it a day and I bet you want to kiss me! :P Not that I want you wanting it kiss me.

Aug 18, 2008 8:09 PM in response to ibelieve2

2.0.2 does not seem to have helped or harmed my 3G signal or speed. No change in apparent signal strength, downloads at 1.57Mbps, ( 3G not WiFi 😉 ) The lag on the Contacts application seems to be gone. I've had a fair number of dropped calls but attributed this to ATT's network being weaker than Verizon's rather than it being a phone issue. Will have to wait and see if this improves. I suspect that this update was not intended to fix the 3G signal strength issues and that we'll have to wait for another update to address this problem.

Aug 18, 2008 8:21 PM in response to ibelieve2

this update has done ZERO for my iphone, still crappy 3g signal, GPS STILL dosnt zero in on my location "no blue dot just the blue circle. i get AWSOME EDGE service though, way to go apple! great update, you really did it this time! i live in westchester NY about 20 miles from midtown manhatten, oh and i live in a "saturated" 3g service area as well. To say the least im still upset about the quality of this **** phone. at least i would get the blue dot on my GPS with 2.0.1, but now, i get nothing. this whole situation just blows my mind.

Aug 18, 2008 8:36 PM in response to Jody Houston

In my humble opinion, I think the blame should mostly be directed towards apple (more like 2 parts apple one part At&T) . Not AT&T (not fully at leaste) ! While AT&T does have some 3g Network coverage issues, the fact still remains that ATT has the more mature 3g network over all others. Att got the quick draw with the roll out of the 3g network.

Beyond the whole issue of the coverage, a few things remain constant with the 3g issue:

1. Most people that are experiencing problems with 3g are in areas that have 2g and 3g mix mode antenna towers.

2. People that live near 3g towers do not seem to be affected(unless they are in motion in a vehicle)

3. For the most part when the 3g is disabled, dropped calls seem to stop occurring or lessen dramatically.

4. 3g speeds are not up to snuff (Wifi like speeds are a myth)

5. When in roughly the same area, with other 3g enabled phones, on the same network, other phones get 5 bars, where as iPhone gets 2-1 bars. (Hmmmm....)

The problem seems to definitely be isolated to iphones hardware/software/driver issue.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the phone, I just hate the way the phone works. I would love more than anything for Apple to write a fix in the next update (hopefully soon) that will be able to fix all the woes of iphone use.

And if perhaps the issue is soo serious that it requires a massive recall. Then I hope that Apple will do their part and allow all of us "First Gen iphone 3g" customers to trade in our old "defective" iphone for "Second Gen iphone 3g's"

Yes, you are reading correctly, I just coined the term "first gen iphone 3g"

I humbly believe that AT&T should stop being greedy and give us credits for all the 3g data that we are missing out on until this thing pans out for good. Or at least let us pay the original cost of the data package 10 dollar less.

I know that AT&T will not however, as there are BOLD policies not in fine print that state that any AT&T employee that gives an iPhone customer a 2G data package for a 3g Phone will be instantaneously fired!

There are also policies regarding anyone trying to get a credit for the Data package. So good luck trying that one 🙂

I know because I spent the better portion of 3 hours on hold speaking to supervisor after supervisor letting them hear my plea to no avail.

In the mean time, we are all helpless to our own situations. We all bought into the hype. And to that I beg, Apple "Give us us 3g!!!"

Aug 18, 2008 8:33 PM in response to kgiame1

Update seemed to run fine. Contacts respond faster. 3G seems a bit weaker, EDGE seems stronger. I'm even drifting on and off of GPRS which never happened at home before. Oh well.

I live in a 3G area per AT&T's map, but they have admitted problems in my area and have promised to upgrade/add more towers by Jan 1. When I called tech support last week they suggested turning off 3G to be able to make or receive phone calls. Unbelievable.

Aug 18, 2008 8:44 PM in response to ibelieve2

Hello All,

After reading all the posts on this thread... I wonder if this S/W & F/W update even addressed the 3G issue? It does not appear so?

My experience from using the new update for the past couple of hours is this:

No change to the 3G reception (which for us was already awesome), Safari seems more stable, Apps load quicker, and the overall function of the phone appears to be a lot more zippy!

Just my observations and thoughts?


Aug 18, 2008 8:47 PM in response to ibelieve2

updated like 20min ago.. everything went smooth no problems..
3G status: .. i had the phone in the same spot b4 the update n i only got 1or 2 bars BEFORE.. NOW.. i got the same lol.. (ohh well)

seems a lil bit quicker when texting..
When i synced it the back up was MUCH quicker!!.. about 1/4 of the time 😀 !!
GPS.. about the same time to locate me.. infact it wont even pin point me for some reason..!

i still think its just retarted... that apple put a gps chip in the phone but u need to have a good signal to pin point ur location when its the chips job to find us not the freakn phone signal? or are those dumb GPS satelites in the sky for???? n e who.. to me this is just another up date.. full of stuff i dont even kno im putting in my phone ...BLAH!.. 😝

Just READ there is ***********2.0.2****** NEW UPDATE. Hope it fixes GPS

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