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Quitting Safari - impossible

My iBook G3 has been unused for several months.

I just fired it up, preparatory to taking it traveling, and I discover that Safari 3.2.1 is malfunctioning. I can't get out of it. When I type commandQ nothing but the spinning ball, same for selecting Quit Safari from the menu. I have to force quit - with comand option esc as my only way out.

I have Safari Plus installed, but it hasn't caused trouble before.

I have seen other posts with this issue. The solution offered, Reset Safari, leaves me wondering. Do I leave all the check boxes checked, or do it incrementally? And what are the repercussions of doing this? Can I regain what I've lost - icons say?

Mrs H

MacBook Pro, Dual 450 G4, iBook G3, Powerbook 170, Mac Plus, Mac OS X (10.4.11), iPod Classic 160G

Posted on Apr 24, 2009 12:31 PM

130 replies

May 3, 2009 12:46 PM in response to Klaus1

Hi Klaus,

Things are better today with SafariPlus sitting out there lonely on the desktop, but that could just be temporary.
OK, that narrows it down.

What specifically narrowed it down? Just curious what bit of info is the that that helped you locate the issue.
Try this: (I am assuming that you have already added the DNS codes previously mentioned to your Network settings.

Never assume. No, I haven't.
Here's why, as quoted from my DNS thread at the end of it:
Me: Why would my lovely, and speedy, and thus far wonderful ISP, my local rural phone company, say "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" when I called to ask about open DNS? (and whether or not I should add the DNS code numbers to my network setting)
BDAqua: Just keep those OpenDNS numbers handy if you do have problems... a smaller/rural company may do a far better DNS job than the big guys.
http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1981675&tstart=0&messageID=936 8015#9368015
Did you also turn off the iPv6 setting? If not do so.

Already done, long ago.

Now I have to follow your next set of instructions. Am I losing anything I will need to recover when I delete what you suggest? Do I just hit delete and let them go to the trash forever gone?

Mrs H

May 3, 2009 1:28 PM in response to Klaus1

Me again, Klaus,
You know me - I won't act til I know the consequences, so after you read my note above, here are a few more questions:
Go to Home/Library/Safari and delete the following files:
form values

* I don't have this file. (I have no info saved for automatic filling in of forms.)

*Will another be created when I next open Safari - I assume this is a necessary file?
Then go to Home/Library/Preferences and delete

*Will another be created when I next open Safari - I assume this is a necessary file?

Sorry to be so wary, I just want to know what the effects of what I'm deleting will be...
Mrs H

May 3, 2009 2:39 PM in response to Mrs H

Just keep those OpenDNS numbers handy if you do have problems

You have problems, Why not try it?

All plist files are recreated the next time an application is opened. It is safe to delete those, but if you are worried (perish the thought!) then just move them to the desktop. If nothing changed you can move them back.

It was this: it refuses to quit - very, very occasionally it just won't do anything - the blue status line won't get beyond the http:// in the address bar that led me to suggest a 'cure' for its tardiness. Safari won't close because it is doing something.

That could either be storing favicons in its cache, or a broken download plist.

Or something else. It is possible that SafariPlus is arm-wrestling with your cookies plist. Locate the cookies.plist file that's located in the Home/Library/Cookies/ folder and remove it to the desktop (you will now have no cookies stored until you put it back).

If Safari has now stopped acting like a naughty child, delete that plist. If it changed nothing you can put it back.

Just a further stray thought: Do you by any chance have Spotlight check webpages? Look in System Preferences/Spotlight. If webpages is ticked, uncheck that box.

I await the next medical bulletin!

May 4, 2009 1:04 PM in response to Klaus1

I await the next medical bulletin!

Here is it, Dr Klaus:
You have problems, Why not try it?

Because I don't know, but it seems (to me) like the issues Open DNS says it addresses are not those issues I am having.
Empty Safari's cache (from the Safari menu), then close Safari.

Go to Home/Library/Safari and delete the following files:
form values

I don't have this so couldn't do it

Done. It hasn't (yet?) recreated a new one of these - but I haven't downloaded anything, I just came here to Apple.
(Why all of a sudden am I being shown what it thinks are typos eg. plist is underlined in red? I bet it's lost all my settings here)
All plist files are recreated the next time an application is opened. It is safe to delete those, but if you are worried (perish the thought!) then just move them to the desktop. If nothing changed you can move them back.

I moved the "deleted" files to my desktop (you knew I would take this course.) If a download list doesn't reappear, it'll be there if I need it. Is this the list of items in the download manager?
Then go to Home/Library/Preferences and delete

Done. Safari did recreate a new one of these (and I figured it would, but then I figured I'd get a new download.plist too.)
Repair permissions (in Disk Utility).

Done, all OK nothing needed repairing.
... That could either be storing favicons in its cache, or a broken download plist.

I now have no download plist - it'll come back if needed, yes?
As before, the favicons are useful to me, and it looked short of downloading some more software as you suggested, the only way to get rid of them is to reset Safari and uncheck it (every time I return to Safari?)
Or something else. It is possible that SafariPlus is arm-wrestling with your cookies plist. Locate the cookies.plist file that's located in the Home/Library/Cookies/ folder and remove it to the desktop (you will now have no cookies stored until you put it back).

I haven't done this yet, because I wanted to ask about SafariPlus first. That folder is still on my desktop - and ever since I put it out there, I haven't had a problem though you swear that's not the culprit.
After removing cookies.plist to the desktop, should I return SafariPlus - or test by leaving them both out there?
If Safari has now stopped acting like a naughty child, delete that plist. If it changed nothing you can put it back.

As I asked above, how does this jive with SafariPlus and the few cookies I have as beloved cookie sites (the rest should go away at shutdown as far as I'm concerned, and be gone forever)
Just a further stray thought: Do you by any chance have Spotlight check webpages? Look in System Preferences/Spotlight. If webpages is ticked, uncheck that box.

There is no webpages check box option there, just one for Bookmarks. Is that the one you want me to uncheck?

Report complete,
Mrs H

May 4, 2009 1:09 PM in response to hpr3

hpr3 wrote:
Sorry to but in, but to answer your question the download plist will be recreated when you launch Safari again.

You are not butting in, hpr3.
You've been here already with fan mail:
Mrs H
It is always a pleasure reading your threads and the byplay between you and my compatriot's Klaus1 and BDAqua!
You have to love a topic that was solved in 2 posts!

Mrs H

May 4, 2009 1:13 PM in response to Mrs H

So I finished replying to Klaus. I went to reply to hpr3 and got something I've never seen before. The blue status went as far as http://discussions.apple.com/post and quit - so I hit the little x button to get it reload and - and I've never seen this before a TOTALLY blank page on Safari.

I quit Safari, which it let me do 😉 and reopened - I didn't have to log in again, I just retraced my steps, no problem.

What is going on here. I have a new issue - blank pages, I've never seen before.

Mrs H

PS I just went to settings and there is no option for spell check, so I don't know where that's coming from all of a sudden.

Message was edited by: Mrs H to add the PS.

May 4, 2009 3:12 PM in response to Mrs H

That folder is still on my desktop - and ever since I put it out there, I haven't had a problem though you swear that's not the culprit.
After removing cookies.plist to the desktop, should I return SafariPlus - or test by leaving them both out there?

I have been known to be wrong!

If removing SafariPlus cured the problem, then SafariPlus was the problem! (Even though the version one of us mentioned was the last to work with Tiger 10.4.11.)

But yes, you could perform one last experiment by re-installing it. If it breaks Safari again, delete it altogether.

And does Mr H have exactly the same version of SafariPlus?

Forget the Spotlight issue.

May 5, 2009 2:11 PM in response to Klaus1

Klaus1 wrote:
I have been known to be wrong!

If removing SafariPlus cured the problem, then SafariPlus was the problem! (Even though the version one of us mentioned was the last to work with Tiger 10.4.11.)

So now I still have my original cookies.plist - I've done nothing new with that.
All works so far so good. Should I reinstall the original download plist? (do I really care what my list of downloads is???)
It is possible that SafariPlus is arm-wrestling with your cookies plist. Locate the cookies.plist file that's located in the Home/Library/Cookies/ folder and remove it to the desktop (you will now have no cookies stored until you put it back).

I assume if as you said earlier (quoted above) there is a conflict between the 2, but removing SPlus as I have and putting it on the desktop seems to solve the problem, that's the status quo for now.
But yes, you could perform one last experiment by re-installing it. If it breaks Safari again, delete it altogether.

Which is to say forget about the business of removing cookies.plist - and just try reinstalling SPlus? Or do the cookies.plist thing too?
And does Mr H have exactly the same version of SafariPlus?

NO - he has no version. I kept the MBP clean of SPlus and just put it on the G4 and the iBook. (resetting Safari seems to have cleared up the iBook problem, but I only tried quitting Google/Safari once and worked and then I didn't text it further.
Forget the Spotlight issue.


Mrs H
PS I figured out how to get rid of the spell check, it was in Safari edit appartently a pref I had set and it got unset when I removed something you suggested earlier.

May 5, 2009 2:56 PM in response to Mrs H

OK, so it WAS SafariPlus, but I am surprised. The version listed for OS 10.4.11 and Safari 3 is version 1.6a1 beta (pre-release). That worked perfectly for me for every version of Safari 3 on my PPC Mac.

Just trash it.

Should I reinstall the original download plist? (do I really care what my list of downloads is???)

Trash that as well. A new one will be started next time you download something.

Yep, no need to touch the cookies plist.

So, is Safari now working as it should?

May 6, 2009 2:04 PM in response to Klaus1

Klaus1 wrote:
OK, so it WAS SafariPlus, but I am surprised. The version listed for OS 10.4.11 and Safari 3 is version 1.6a1 beta (pre-release). That worked perfectly for me for every version of Safari 3 on my PPC Mac.

Just trash it.

Not yet, read below
Yep, no need to touch the cookies plist.

Read below, do you still think so?
So, is Safari now working as it should?

It was working fine til just now when you asked. I couldn't quit - grrrrr.
Dowloads.plist is on desktop
com.apple.Safari.plist is on desktop
SafariPlus folder is on desktop
AND it was fine til a moment ago. I came here - read your question - went to google - looked at an hotel listing and then tried to go to another link - it got stuck on http:// - and I couldn't quit, the spinning beach ball without force quitting.

Any more ideas?
Maybe Plus isn't the problem - nor is any of the above?

Mrs H

Quitting Safari - impossible

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