Error 0xE8000065
Dell Latitude D510, Windows XP
Dell Latitude D510, Windows XP
This has been happening to me for a few weeks. Same error. Today after it happened again, I unplugged my lightning cable from one USB port in my computer and put it in a different port.
iTunes opened just fine and went through the backup process flawlessly.
Can't say why this fixed it, but it did.
This worked for me. Thanks ninintothevoid
I disabled the C-state previously for running a virtual machine with VT in my BIOS
Not only did i get this error but i was constanly having issues with syncing my iphone. I hope i will not see that anymore.
Just load Optimised/Factory Defaults in the BIOS if someone is having difficulty enabling C-State.
Great catch ninintothevoid
My iphone4 (ios 4.3.4) stopped connecting syncing with my Windows 7 (x64) PC a few days ago.
After a few reboots of both I started to get the "0xE800065" error.
Found this thread, but had already tried all the usual suspects - cable, port, latest software versions, etc - however, iphone was recognised no problem at all on my Macbook (running Lion) and on an old laptop running Windows XP.
I know that both the iphone OS & iTunes on the PC had been updated a few days ago, so as the iphone was fine with other systems, I downgraded iTunes from 10.4 back to 10.3.1 on the Windows 7 PC and lo & behold the iphone now connects & syncs again.
Might not work for everyone, but if all was working fine and you suddenly start getting this error check if you just had iTunes upgraded, as could be same for you.
(If you don't have a copy of previous iTunes version, you can get this at
I have had the exact same problem with two different iPhones and iPods. After several months of not being able to update my iPhone because of the "itunes could not connect to this iPhone because an unknown error occured (0xE8000065)" problem, I took it into the Apple store where they said that the connection down the bottom was faulty. However, only after two weeks of having the new iPone, the same problem has reoccured. I have a PC (ASUS, 2010 model). I have tried quite a few of the suggestions but none have helped. Does anyone have any other suggestions? This is becoming extremely frustrating.
As per my 1st post in this string, suggest you upgrade the BIOS on a 2010 ASUS PC.
After months of frustration and trying everything, this is what did it for me with our end 2009 ASUS i5 PC with 64bit Windows 7...something to do with fine tweaking USB bus voltages I think.
Any how, now we can sync iPhone and iPad no problem.
I followed step #2 and it worked for me on my iPhone 4, iPad 1st gen, iPod Touch and iPad 2
I have the same problem. I have an iPod4 and I was trying to load a song that I emailed from my phone. My iPod was out of battery and then it randomly shut off at around 1pm this afternoon. I thought in a couple of minutes the screen that shows the loading sign would go off. I came back to it and it was still on. I then put it on charge and waited 1 hour. The screen was still there so I plugged it into iTunes to see what I could do. It know shows up that error.
Is there anything I can do to make my iPod work again?
i just unplugged and plugged in my iphone again and again and that seemed to work. my iphone is in fact syncing right now after hours of plugging in and unplugging my iphone. I've got iphone 2g on 3.1.3 Windows Vista and iTunes 10.5. I don't know if this will work on your computer and iOS device, but I sure hope it does.
I was facing issues in iTunes when connecting my ipad2 to macbook pro, it gives me the error - itunes coudn't connect ipad and error 0xe8000065.
I restarted my ipad2, reseat to mac multiple times nothing worked. Finally i updated my mac with software update which was for mac only and then restarted my laptop disconnecting everything connecting to it.
I connected my ipad2 and then opened iTunes its showing me connected there, good to go 😉
Just to throw sticks in the wheels...
This just happened to me (the eroor 0xE0000065)
It happened when I was accessing
-my iPod
touch 2nd gen
i OS 5,0,1
-my iMac
Model Identifier: iMac10,1
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 3.06 GHz-i
Snow Leopard 10.6.8
-iTunes 10.5
iPod and iMac are conected using a Belkin 30 pin to USB stand
Once this happenened, I simply rebooted EVERYTHING
and all was fine in my land o'Mac
I have the same problem!
Have a new iPhone 4s.
Running on Windows 7 Intel Core i3 Toshiba Satellite laptop
Any help would be appreciated. I am far from a computer expert.
So I connect iPhone and shows it is charging but does not appear in computer or in itunes and i get the message "iTunes could not connect to this iPhone because an invalid response was received from this device. Error 0XE80000065"
So far deleted The Lockdown Folder some people said could help, restarted comp and iPhone, looked into BIOS but was super confused.
Help please!
Thank you!!! 🙂
I found my problem that gave me the samer error code was using a non apple usb cable to connect with the computer, not the one supplied from Apple. Once I switched to the one that came with the ipod touch it worked fine. So if by chance you bought an additional sync cable from someone else that may be the problem. If you have a different iphone cable you can try that as well, possibly one of the pins is not making full contact, just a thought.
I also found that cable would not work in my car ipod sync, it will charge the ipod touch, but not play any music. Only my official apple usb cord work in my car. Occasionally the other usb cable would work to sync music in the car, but most of the time it doesn't so I think it is something with the pins not making good connection.
Thanks Dave. Unfortunately that didnt solve my problem. and it is still occuring. quite annoying arrg
Easiest fix I've found (while running windows 7 and operating new 5.1 software, but I think it will work for most) is to restore your computer to a date earlier than when the problem began. It's a driver issue and a windows error message, not apple. Be nice to windows and allow the iphone/iPod to reaquaint and windows will automatically restore the driver. By restoring the computer you don't lose any files, only any new software or programs, so it allows you to trick the comp into thinking theyre meeting for the first time. Hope this helps. :)
I am so very frustrated as I have been trying 'restore the software' on my ipodtouch. I have been reading all the tips from people on this thread but everything I'm trying is not working. Now my ipod won't even turn on properly. I keep getting the 0xE8000065 message when it tries to restore the software. On the actual ipod touch nothing happens and it times out. I've uninstalled and reinstalled itunes several times over I've looked at the moble device settings and I can't count how many times I've restarted my computer.
I've now started getting error code 1603 and i'm still baffled.
Can anyone help?
I had the same problem. All I did was go to Control Panel > Programs > Turn Windows Features On or Off > Uncheck Media Features > Check Media Features back > Click OK. This worked for me so hopefully it will work for you.
Error 0xE8000065