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iTunes download error -8288

I am running iTunes 12.6.5 on High Sierra as I want to control what updates go to my i-devices. Today for the first time, I'm getting error -8288 on all i-app downloads. The download seems to complete, but when the download finishes, this error appears. BTW, an iOS system update thru iTunes worked just fine.

What I have done: Restarted iTunes; Logged out of my account and logged in again.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Posted on Feb 9, 2019 9:18 AM

84 replies
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Feb 11, 2019 5:37 PM in response to tonytone

So I found a solution that was used for a different error code but worked for the very issue that I was experiencing as well the steps are indicated below for MAC users.

Learn what to do if you see error -45054 in the iTunes Store. If you don't see error -45054, follow the steps for your computer.

On your Mac


default, the built-in application firewall for macOS automatically

allows applications signed by Apple to receive incoming connections. If

you've adjusted the settings for your application firewall, you might

need to allow incoming connections. If the issue persists, reset the cache of accepted certificates:

  • Click your desktop to make sure that you're in Finder.
  • From the menu at the top of your computer screen, choose Go > Go to Folder.
  • In the box, enter /var/db/crls/.
  • Click Go.
  • Drag the files labeled crlcache.db and ocspcache.db to the Trash.
  • If prompted, enter your administrator password.
  • Restart your computer, then try to connect to the iTunes Store, App Store, or Book Store.

For PC Users Try:

On your PC

Good luck folks


Feb 9, 2019 2:46 PM in response to Frank Miller2

I have the same issue, error 8288 not only with updates but downloading new apps too.

Sometime the error becomes 416, but mostly stays at 8288

I guess something is going on on the Apple server ...when you get “friends” with the same errors

the coincidence is too weird or

because I'm able to download the same updates from my i-devices or Apple Configurator

and having itunes 12.6.5

makes me think that Apple has done something blocking iTunes 12.6.5 ?!


Feb 10, 2019 8:09 AM in response to Jonnoza

Jonnoza “It does seem like apple is blocking iTunes 12.6.5 ( listed by Apple as the Enterprise version) https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208079”

The page you linked is the same page posted a year ago when you could update all apps and iOS

and for it worked till 2 days ago

I know that because I kept the page as reference in case they update iTunes 12.6.5 as they did in the past

I hope it's going to be an uprise among enterprise/business Apple customers. Usually it is what it gets everything back to normal

It happened few times already in the past


Feb 10, 2019 9:57 AM in response to Frank Miller2

Same problem here. Appears to have started Feb 9; continuing on Feb 10.

iTunes on macOS Sierra (10.12.6).

I've been able to download app updates without issue prior to Feb 9.

I've tried several things: restart iTunes, restart MacBook Pro, most of the items listed here, and clearing the caches described here. Also ran the cleaning processes in Onyx and first aid in Disk Utility.


Feb 10, 2019 11:57 AM in response to Frank Miller2

Looks like it's an issue on Mac & PC.

Can Anyone verify if you're seeing the same issues I am? https://discussions.apple.com/thread/250154640

Specifically check for a .app file in your mobile applications folder. I had a few of each app that took up over 6GB in space before I deleted them.


Feb 11, 2019 11:19 AM in response to annabelle

I tried on another computer, MacBook air with HighSierra and the Security update done on Feb 10th.

Gatekeeper date is different on the two computers : one was created on Feb 7th, the other on Feb 8th

On the Macbook air iTunes works and the updates go through perfectly there and Gatekeeper was created on the 8th.

I guess that the updates are not the same and one has a corrupted file or a bug and this could explain why there are different

results even with same system and iTunes .

I tried to download the security update from Apple directly but it's not available any longer https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT201222


Feb 10, 2019 3:26 AM in response to Frank Miller2

I'm running iTunes and have the same issue.

After discussing with Apple via Live Chat they have said they were 'blocking old versions of iTunes' to prevent them from backing the device up.

I've noticed this issue on one computer but not another (same iTunes version on both). My partner and I - one of us can back up whereas the other can't.

I'm wondering if this kind of 'blocking' is stretching out to app updates too.

Although with some saying they've updated to the latest version of iTunes and still getting this error i don't know what the deal is.


Feb 10, 2019 7:05 AM in response to NotHisName

I too am having the same issue with the latest version of iTunes. I was able to download purchases onto two authorized computers that I had made yesterday on my iphone but anything older, is blocked. Also, itunes said I had too many authorized computers even though a long standing authorized computer should have been on the list. Some permissions are really jacked in their database. Time to switch off to Spotify completely.


Feb 10, 2019 7:30 AM in response to Frank Miller2

So I recently noticed this issue on my computer as well. I have Windows 10 and iTunes I also noticed I am not able to delete the APP, and redownload from scratch for the App Store.

I have logged out of my account and logged back in but no difference.

I have also tried a different iTunes library file but that did not work.

I took a shot and blew away iTunes from my computer using Revo Uninstaller, I cleaned the registry, restarted,cleaned the registry again and reinstalled iTunes but that did not help.

I use the older version since I like to be able to manage my apps at a central location and not each device individually.


Feb 10, 2019 7:56 AM in response to Frank Miller2

I'm seeing the identical situation and error numbers using iTunes on Windows. Everything worked fine on 2/7/2019 but failed yesterday, 2/9/2019. I called this in yesterday evening and spent more that 1.5 hours with a wonderful Apple supervisor who was focusing on possible Windows changes. We did many things, including rolling back to a Windows restore point, to no avail. We are scheduled to follow up on this case, and I have contacted her with a link to this discussion thread.


Feb 10, 2019 12:08 PM in response to Tario70

I can confirm for all of my apps that are seeing this issue are in deed creating a .APP file in the Mobile Applications Folder. If I delete the app from iTunes AND the .APP file and redownload it still gives that error. I am using Windows 10.


iTunes download error -8288

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