How can I exclude some app's files from showing up on iOS Files App?
I copied some files to my iPhone via ITunes to a specific app by selecting the phone in iTunes, clicking "File Sharing", selecting the app and then dragging and dropping the files into the app. Now those files are in the app but they also show up in the iOS Files App. I don't want them to show up in the Files app. They are private files (password.txt, ssh-key.private.txt, secret-project-planning.txt).
Things I tried
- turn off app in Siri and Search -> App Name -> Siri & Suggestions
this removed the files from search on the home screen but not from the Files app.
- looked in the Files app for settings
there are no per app settings in the Files app
- searched in system settings for "Files"
no matches. Apparently there are no settings for the Files app.
- searched in system settings for the apps whos' files I don't want exposed in the Files App
no related settings appeared. Document storage is set to "On My iPhone". "Siri & Search" shows "off"
- turn off "Show app" in Siri & Search setting.
This has the ridiculous effect of making the app itself not appear as a search result but the settings for the app still appear as does the app's folder so technically the app is still showing up in search.
How can I get the files not to show up in the Files App?
iPhone X, iOS 12