Import CD into iTunes
New Mac mini with external CD drive. When I try to import a CD into iTunes, I get the message "Error occurred while converting the file "(first track name)". An unknown error occurred (-54)
Mac mini, macOS 10.14
New Mac mini with external CD drive. When I try to import a CD into iTunes, I get the message "Error occurred while converting the file "(first track name)". An unknown error occurred (-54)
Mac mini, macOS 10.14
Thanks. We haven't quite fixed the problem yet, but it does indeed seem to be something to do with permissions for the iTunes folder and its subfolders.
I am trying to use an iTunes folder that I have restored from the backup of my old Mac computer.
The new computer had set up a new iTunes library folder, which I have renamed. When I tell iTunes to use that library folder (almost empty) I can happily import tracks from a CD.
But when I switch libraries to the restored backup iTunes folder from my old Mac (which seems to work OK for playing its stored music), I get the error I have reported when attempting to import a CD.
Looking at getinfo for the restored (imported) iTunes folder I can see something strange. Under Sharing & Permissions it says 'You have custom access' (this may be because I had to add myself as a user and give myself read&write access). There is also a grey user named 'Fetching...' with read&write access. Further up under General, the 'Locked' checkbox is unticked, but it is greyed out.
Looking at getinfo for the newer (but empty) iTunes folder, there is none of that nonsense. The permissions say 'You can read and write' and indeed I can. The 'Locked' checkbox is unticked but not greyed out.
I have the latest Mojave OS and Disk repair doesn't seem to offer to repair permissions any more, because it isn't supposed to be needed!
Can you reset all permissions within the restored iTunes folder by resetting them in the folder that contains it, e.g. music, and applying to enclosed items?
Thanks again. No - I'm afraid that doesn't work. Even though I tried to "Apply (permissions) to enclosed items" when setting sharing and permissions in the parent music folder, the restored iTunes folder retained the strange pattern of permissions (including 'Fetching...') that I have described.
Great - very many thanks - I think we've fixed the problem! I made a new folder "new music" and within it a new "iTunes" folder. Then I copied all the contents of the restored files into it. Eventually all those unwanted Fetching...s and strange permission settings seemed to disappear. Now I can open the iTunes app, select the location of my new iTunes folder that has the restored contents in it, and - it all works. Including, of course the ripping of music CD's.
Happy :-)
If you were to copy the contents of the iTunes folder into a new folder does that new folder inherit the unwanted permissions?
<Dummy post to reveal previous one>
You're welcome. 🙂
Import CD into iTunes