weknow "nuisance"
OK this ghoster keeps coming back and the fact Apple hasn't come up with a patch to get rid of this and to prevent it from being "self installed" because millions of users accidently installed it, and Apple support's reply is, "You installed it, your fault, your problem!" tells me Apple is COMPLIITLY involved in this trash nuisance file and somehow gains from it's viral working properties. Is it because it gets around privacy agreement issues?
Apple support has made this impossible to remove and you have to be part-time coder to deal with something Applem should be able to identify and prevent from being installed to begin with. No Malware, no virus scanner can get rid of this POS "nuisance" or "non-issue" hijacker of a program. Apple tech support is condescending, arrogant, and flippant about it because they want you to use Safari and not Chrome.