As we all know it's pretty obvious that not all people who dislike the way this feature was implemented will come here to discuss it or manifest their opinion.
However, you are the only person I've ever seen or read saying that they actually prefer this feature to be implemented in this particular "non-reversible" way.
I'm sure that I'm not far off from the truth by claiming that most people prefer to have the option to easily disable something that they themselves have enabled (for whatever reason) and that wasn't there originally. Trust me, most people like to have options and be able to do things... I'm pretty sure of that. Will most people take action to try and make things right? Surely not... but that's another issue. It's just the way of the world...
You seem to miss the point of the existence of online forums and communities. Maybe you're new to the internet? Sending feedback to Apple has absolutely nothing to do with a forum/community post... it's like saying "if you don't like the weather... call God". What is that all about? Makes no sense...
Yes, we "citizens of the world" all know that we can reach Apple about it... maybe many of us already did. That has exactly ZERO to do with posting about it on this forum, one thing does not exclude the other, they are not even related, both actions have merits and can be executed 100% independently.