Itunes Library Problems (iCloud duplicates library)
I am so angry with Apple/iTunes right now. If I didn't have so much money invested in my iTunes music library I would never use an Apple product again. I don't know how to explain this. I have a library of over 10,000 songs. My music is at least 95% PURCHASED. I don't back it up to the Cloud (sorry, but I don't trust the Cloud). There were maybe 2 albums worth of music that I had listened to using iTunes Music existing currently in my music library. Generally, I give it a listen on Music then if I like it, I delete, purchase and keep the download on my computer so I can listen to it on my iPod Classic. All this to say that I logged on today to find that iTunes has, on its own, "backed up" my library and re-added from the Cloud everything that I have already purchased and downloaded onto my computer. If I changed a genre or an artist name or whatever, that song is duplicated (So, for example, if I downloaded Jingle Bells by Unknown Pop Tart and changed the genre from Holiday to Christmas so all of my Christmas music was together, I now have 2 of them). When I tried to get rid of the duplicate which still has a little cloud symbol to say "download from the Cloud", it wipes out BOTH. When I tried to download and then remove the duplicates, it still wiped out both. I've already lost music on my computer which I will hopefully be able to recover when I sync my iPod but that's not going to happen until I can fix this. How am I supposed to get rid of these stupid duplicates??? I am furious to have had YEARS of work wiped out. (The subscription to iTunes Music is free, but I am getting rid it. I'm going back to old-fashioned ordering CDs from Amazon. Enough of this garbage). And it really doesn't help that Apple makes their customer support next to impossible.
iPod Classic