Endless bugs on Catalina at the moment. And bugs that are still present from back to Sierra. It’s just ridiculous. We get .1 updates with new emojis.
I’m a big Apple supporter but I’m starting to lose it.
Installed Catalina from Mojave (Mojave installed fresh about 7 months ago):
- imported hundreds of pictures from iPhone 11 pro on 13.1.3 in photos, selected to delete the files after the import, the files are still on the phone but photos on the Mac doesn’t see them. Had to delete them manually from the iPhone.
- took me 3 days of trialing and testing in order to get the Apple Watch unlock to work. Apple Watch 4gps on 6.0.1
- an old bug where selecting and highlighting text on a PDF is selecting random words instead of the words you select is still there, but reported 7 months ago, still there. High Sierra has the same issue. Not on every PDF, but it isn’t a pdf issue, with acrobat it works fine, it’s an issue with preview app.
- logging into a second user account is breaking the continuity/handoff features on the Mac and iPhone. Apple Watch unlock stops working, personal hotspot stops working, continuity camera not working, handoff not working (works only from Mac to phone not the other way around), only solution is a reboot and log into one single account.
- can’t sync pictures in albums I created in photos on the Mac, they just won’t sync on the iPhone. Tried EVERYTHING, rebuilt library, reboots, nothing.
- switching users takes at least 10 times longer than in Mojave.
- sending a lot of photos with airdrop from Mac to another iPhone or from iPhone to iPhone is not reliable at all, sometimes it ends the transfer and the photos don’t show up, sometimes they are all double and they are always sorted in a random order and not in chronological order.
This is the worse MacOS release ever and the team doesn’t even bother fixing the bugs that are reported on their website.
All they care about is emojis and wallpapers.
I’m really losing it.
Does anyone else experience the above issues?