What is TabAppDaemon? App was installed on my MacBookPro (2012) 10/9/2019 AM MST. Found it and its folder in my library. Is it the Adware that is causing a second Tab to created in Safari. Pop up tells me that I have 3 viruses and I need to clean up by clicking here (I didn't believe them, nor did I follow their instructions.) Popup makes an annoying sound and I believe it also flashes. Almost sounds like an Amber Alert. It seems pretty random what website triggers it - although it seems to like my google searches for malware.
I thought I got a legit notice from Adobe about my Flash Player being out of date. That may have been fake & where I picked up the Adware. I think I clicked on that, but did not complete the process to install. Instead I went to to get Flash. Pop-ups turned off in Safari preferences - but it doesn't stop the Adware. Should I delete "TabAppDaemon" & its folder?
Thanks, Carolyn
MacBook Pro