Well this I can do for you, this I understand. And in another thread they explained it the same.
- Download the modified files (thanks Alex!) and unzip > you get a folder named WiFi_kexts
- Boot into Recovery Mode: restart your computer while pressing and holding cmd-R
- Open > Utilities > Terminal via Menu Bar (detailed instructions here)
- Type csrutil disable and hit return
- Type reboot and hit return > computer reboots normally
- Open > Utilities > Terminal and enter cd and hit the space bar (don't hit return)
- Drag the folder WiFi_kexts onto the Terminal window and hit return
- In Terminal, enter sudo mount -uw / and hit return, then enter your user password and hit return
- Enter sudo cp -r IO80211Family.kext /System/Library/Extensions/ and hit return
- Enter sudo cp -r IO80211FamilyV2.kext /System/Library/Extensions/ and hit return
- Right-click on Kext Utility in the folder WiFi_kexts and choose open, click open in the following dialog, authenticate with your password
- Wait for Kext Utility to complete – this took maybe two minutes on my setup, and I got an error message in the end, as well as "All done"
- Reboot your computer and enjoy WiFi in Catalina
- If you want to turn on SIP again you can boot into recovery mode again and enter csrutil enable (hit return) reboot (hit return)
I have done all this and I still did not get the driver to work, in other words I still have the same problem :(
But I hope this will work for you Prashant2908 Try that and let us know!