Final Cut Pro - Title Alignment Bug
On FCP 10.4.7
This is driving me insane. The titles appear to be aligned in FCPX 10 but when the video is exported the titles are not aligned. (See photos below.) The issue is random in that some of the titles are exported properly but most others are off center. There is no value to the Transform, Distort, etc. All the X, Y values for the titles are the same across the video. I've tried playing with the alignment values, left and right justification, and nothing seems to make it work. It looks right on FCP preview but not right when it exports.
This is the first time I've had the preview screen show something totally different than what actually exports. It's driving me nuts.
This is what it looks like in FCP
This is how the text appears in the exported video.
It happens in multiple projects.
Is this a FCP bug? Any ideas?
Mac Pro