Color Balance in FCPx - Colorboard / Color Wheels
What do you guys use to get the balance right ?
I am now grading my stuff in FCPx and coming from Photoshop and Lightroom this is a bit of a change.
I get different results using the color wheels as opposed to using the Color Board. I kind of find the Color Board more accurate while the Color Wheels are more intuitive but I am uncertain. In Lightroom and adobe camera RAW I basically adjust the Temperature and Tint sliders and I'm good to go but in FCPx I am not being that lucky.
I am getting a little help from these guys. First allows me to sample a pixel and check its color which is nice for monitoring grays and whites. The second one is allowing me to see the image in a false color mode so that I know when I hit white on the balance.
I have not been able to find any plugs doing better than Color Board and Color Wheels in FCPx so I guess it goes down to either of those. Anyway, I'd be thankful if some of you could point me in a good directions also perhaps with links to plugs doing stuff like that