Could not start my iphone 8, update it from itunes shows error 14 - ASR: Could not restore - No space left on device
My wife's iphone 8 went out of space, and not it won't turn on. When trying to update the OS from ITunes, it I'm getting error 14, and in the logs, I see the following log entries:
ASR: Could not restore - No space left on device
[15:01:59.9071] ASR STATUS: fail
[15:01:59.9071] restore_apfs_image : failed to restore an APFS image, error = 14
[15:01:59.9261] Failure Description:
[15:01:59.9261] Depth:0 Code:-1 Error:AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: 14
[15:01:59.9261] Depth:1 Code:14 Error:Failed to handle message type StatusMsg
[15:01:59.9261] Depth:2 Code:14 Error:failed to restore APFS image
I called Apple support, they said that there is nothing to do but restore which will delete the entire data. To be honest, I don't even care about the phone itself, but the data in it as it includes the past 2 years images and photos of my 2 years old boy. This is very very disappointing and feels like very poor serviceability, definitely does not feel 'Apple' at all, the data does exists, but I don't have a way to access it because the OS is broken, unreasonable and definitely a bug.
Unfortunately, it feels like there is no one to talk in Apple's support and they don't really care. I'm sure that there is a way to access and extract the data somehow, but I'm not sure how.
Any advice on how to restore the data will be highly appreciated.