Sure, my point exactly, this used to work in previous version so by upgrading I have lost ability to navigate websites. It also doesn’t work in chrome. Apple are forcing people to buy new hardware.
the iPad still fails to replace my windows machine. It is simply not as versatile and its uncomfortable to hold it sitting on a chair like the way steve jobs demonstrated on the first ipad release. They should have opted for a 16:9 foam factor. I suggested this to them years ago and no acknowledgement as you would expect from a giant.
seriously, this year i’m thinking of switching. My MBP sits on a shelf with a keep alive HdMI dongle and still doesn’t have the decency to stay alive and connected to the network so I can remote to it from a windows machine. The battery is screwed on that.
hate how iphone force closes apps And you have to keep the app in focus when rendering or sharing media wished it had a progress handler like android has.
[Edited by Moderator]