I cannot install BOOT CAMP on my Mac Pro (2009)
Hi there! I am trying to install windows 7Ultimate (because that's the only DVD with original copy I have on my own) on my Mac Pro running High Sierra (with all updates on it), 64Gb of memory 4T of hard drive. I have followed many on these explanations here in the community regarding this error that seems it is very common (I had already two other iMacs 27" and MacBook installed Windows 7 without any problem like this one!). I am trying to install Windows without using the BootCamp Assistant because it just gives me the option to download files and nothing else (and still getting that annoying message about the partition).
So I decided to create a partition with 1T for my BootCamp (created many times as ExFat, MS-DOS (FAT32), MacOS journaled non-encrypted) with all the previous types and nothing. When I create the partition and reboot my machine using "OPTION" key down to get access to my bootable DVD the Windows installation disk began but then when I get to the option of which drive to install, tells me an error regarding GPT. I tried to format it (partition 4), and still shows me GPT error. Then went back to TERMINAL and used the disk and disk and got an error on partition 4 as this partition does not exist or it is toot big.
Ok, any help on how to install this W7 Ultimate? I have reinstalled (fresh installation) of the Mac OS X 10.13 already 3 times (as recommended in some of the community feedback)
Thank you.
Mac Pro, macOS 10.13