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Apple Music draining battery


I have an iPhone 8 running IOS 13.4.1 everything is up to date and was performing well until this weekend. All of a sudden my battery started draining much quicker than previously. Looking at the battery usage it seems that Apple Music is causing it. I have attached two screenshots below; one for the last 24hrs and one for the last 10 days. You can see that up until Friday there was little or no background activity however this jumps massively over the weekend. I have turned background app refresh off for all app and yet Apple Music is still draining the battery when not in use; 53% of battery use in the last 24hrs without using the app.

What has changed and what can I do about it? I even tried uninstalling Apple Music and yet it continued to drain the battery!!

iPhone 8

Posted on Apr 21, 2020 5:59 AM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Apr 23, 2020 10:03 AM

Hi Becky,

On further testing the problem appears to be being caused by Apple Music trying to sync with my Apple Watch even though I have cleared both the phone and watch of any music files.

If I disconnect my watch from my phone by switching off wifi and bluetooth on the watch, the phone then starts to behave like it used to last week with no abnormal drain on the battery. When I reconnect the watch the batteries on both the phone and watch drain much quicker than they used to. Note that this isn't just because they'll use battery syncing with each other normally as prior to last weekend they were both fine; they'd use battery life obviously but not an abnormal amount.

For example when I went bed last night both were fully charged on 100% and overnight, with no use on either device, the phone drained to 25% and the watch to 30%. All throughout the night the battery monitor shows the cause to be Apple Music and lists it as background activity. Bear in mind that only one week before I was using the watch for sleep tracking overnight which worked perfectly with no battery drain on either device.

I have tried re-pairing the watch and even resetting the watch completely but the problem remains and generic battery saving tips are not going to cure this.

Any ideas?

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Apr 23, 2020 10:03 AM in response to raina_b22

Hi Becky,

On further testing the problem appears to be being caused by Apple Music trying to sync with my Apple Watch even though I have cleared both the phone and watch of any music files.

If I disconnect my watch from my phone by switching off wifi and bluetooth on the watch, the phone then starts to behave like it used to last week with no abnormal drain on the battery. When I reconnect the watch the batteries on both the phone and watch drain much quicker than they used to. Note that this isn't just because they'll use battery syncing with each other normally as prior to last weekend they were both fine; they'd use battery life obviously but not an abnormal amount.

For example when I went bed last night both were fully charged on 100% and overnight, with no use on either device, the phone drained to 25% and the watch to 30%. All throughout the night the battery monitor shows the cause to be Apple Music and lists it as background activity. Bear in mind that only one week before I was using the watch for sleep tracking overnight which worked perfectly with no battery drain on either device.

I have tried re-pairing the watch and even resetting the watch completely but the problem remains and generic battery saving tips are not going to cure this.

Any ideas?


Jul 5, 2020 2:01 PM in response to Sunny_side_up

I think Apple must fix this. It drains so fast and the phone is getting hot sometimes. Like this is literally damaging the battery and I am not playing any music, the app has no reason to do anything, I’m not using the Apple Music service, I just bought and downloaded a couple of songs a few days ago then forgot about it, I haven’t even listened to them yet.

I’m surprised this hasn’t made it to the news yet as this is potentially very embarrassing for Apple


Apr 22, 2020 3:46 PM in response to mr_woodpecker

Hi mr_woodpecker,

Thank you for using the Apple Support Communities! I understand you are experiencing unexpected battery drain and I'd like to help out.

It sounds like you've isolated the battery drain to the Music app based on what you've monitored. You took good steps so far. Apple recommends following the tips and suggestions found in this support article to optimize your device for the best battery life: Batteries - Maximizing Performance - Apple. If you just performed the iOS 13.4.1 update in the past 24 hours, or if you need to adjust some settings based on the recommendations in the above article, try charging your iPhone to 100% and test for at least 48 hours after applying the recommendations.

Keep me posted, if the issue remains. Regards.


Apr 23, 2020 4:22 PM in response to mr_woodpecker


This update is appreciated.

You've done great work so far in monitoring and pin-pointing the cause of the unexpected battery drain. Thank you for taking the time to complete these steps as well. With the issue remaining even after all of the steps taken, I would recommend getting in touch with Apple Support next: Contact - Official Apple Support. They should be able to investigate this behavior further to determine next best steps to get this resolved.

Thank you for your time. Take care.


Jul 7, 2020 12:27 PM in response to mr_woodpecker

I also had the issue and reported here last weekend (July 4th).

I did the following and it solved the issue.

1 Music App

  • Open Music App > Library > Downloaded Music (you might need to "Edit" the categories on the upper right to enable the Downloaded Music category)
  • Check if you have a "Downloading" sub-category. If so, check what is trying to download and cancel it

2 Settings

2.1 Mobile Data > Disable Music

2.2 General > Background App Refresh > Disable Music

3 Switch off/on your iPhone and you should be all set.

Note: this is a workaround as we shouldn't have to deactivate all these options. Apple still needs to fix it.


Jul 7, 2020 8:15 PM in response to mr_woodpecker

”Then I went into Apple Music/library/Downloaded Music... and saw that they were pending downloads just sitting there spinning so I canceled all 19 of them. Problem seems to be solved”

  • This is the fix! My wife’s phone had suddenly over 200 just sitting and spinning to be downloaded. I Canceled them all, and problem solved!

Jul 9, 2020 3:47 AM in response to Butterflypath

I've tried the date and time settings thing - It was already set as it should be, but what the **** - I've logged out, end step by step turned them off and on, and logged in.

Now, it's been about 36 hours since I've deleted Music App and 24 since everything seems to be ok. "Deleted apps" are gone from battery usage in 24h view and are going down id 3 days view.

Fun Fact: my battery efficiency went from 83 to... 85%.

And now best part: I've downloaded the music app, synced library and manage to download two playlists (> 1300 tracks). Battery is not getting hot, usage in 24h view went to 6 procent. Everything seems to be stable for now. I am no celebrating yet, since in last few days I had moment, when it seemed ok, but if I will still be able to download something tomorrow, than...

Anyway, if someone want's to try, my suggestion is:

  • delete the music app,
  • hard restart phone - it's important, since in my case the battery was still getting drained even after the app was deleted!
  • wait at least 24 hours,
  • try installing the Music app and see where it get's You.

Hope this solves it for some of You :)


Jul 15, 2020 5:35 PM in response to mr_woodpecker

What worked for me was

  1. Turn off "Settings > iTunes & App Store > Automatic Downloads"
  2. Force restart (Vol up, Vol down, hold power until Apple logo appears)
  3. Turn "Settings > iTunes & App Store > Automatic Downloads" on and off again

No idea why #3 was required but after 2 the phone started getting very hot again immediately.

Hope it works for at least some of you. I didn't want to go through the hassle of some of the other fixes so I'm glad this worked. Hope my battery was not damaged permanently as I struggled with this for 2 weeks.

My gear:

  • brand-new (2 weeks) iPhone SE 2020 128GB
  • iOS 13.5.1
  • Apple Music
  • iTunes Match (very-long time subscriber -- since it was introduced)
  • Two connected Apple Watches (original & Series 5)
  • Phone "Restored" directly from prior phone (iPhone 8). i.e. the new phone-to-phone option


Jul 5, 2020 8:01 PM in response to katiejonesy

Same issue here. Phone feeling warm, battery draining way too fast, shows music app running for 14 hrs in background when I haven’t used it all day. I also have an Apple Watch not sure if the sync is the issue? Did not use music on my watch either...


Jul 6, 2020 5:58 AM in response to RobertZD

I’m having these same issues. I haven’t used this app in ages. On Thursday, I decided to download a couple songs. They wouldn’t even download and I haven’t touched the app since. Ever since, my battery dies within an hour of use. Checked my battery life, wtf Apple Music?

I’ve attached two photos. The first is from Wednesday July 1 prior to using this app in, I don’t know, a year? The second is from the last 24 hours. Keep in mind, I haven’t opened the app since Thursday.

Apple. Fix this.


Jul 6, 2020 9:10 PM in response to mr_woodpecker

I knew this issue had to be bigger than me and the comments confirm. I started having this issue Friday 7/3 and called Apple today after spending the weekend turning off every single setting I could think of to try and fix it.

Apple had me first try a setting reset, then had my do a full factory reset from my computer. I wasn’t able to do it till this evening so I’m supposed to call back tomorrow to update them, but it didn’t work. It didn’t fix the issue and the backup is taking forever to load completely on my phone. It’s been 3 hours and I still have no pictures. And that whole time Apple Music has been running in the background. They need to get this fixed ASAP because it’s bull they my decently new phone with 90% battery health is dying in under 2 hours of some use. I mean 42 hours of battery in 3 DAYS?!!? That’s insane.

I have an iPhone X FYI.


Jul 7, 2020 1:48 PM in response to mr_woodpecker

Im guessing show Apple music has not been fixed yet. Every update. Every turn off and back on the phone it turn it self back on draining battery like a lead ballon. I found turning it off ‘show apple music” saves the battery. I do hope it is not link to that temp. Disable until tomorrow feature switching back on tomorrow .

will we see. and hopefully a fix to this. As i am sure your apple music was/is killing my battery.

as my optimizer/ health has also dropped.

see below. Only option to save battery is switching to low power mode. After taking off charger.


Jul 7, 2020 9:25 PM in response to mr_woodpecker

Having this same issue. It just started yesterday. I have no idea what I did but my iPhone 8+ started getting really hot and my battery was gone in a few hours. I wasn’t even listening to music and even force closed the app. I’ve shut my phone down for 30 minutes, force restarted it and logged out of iCloud and logged back in, but Music still keeps hogging the battery. It’s using more power than the charger can give it.

when I logged out of Apple Music, I noticed that my down loaded songs weren’t downloading and had hung up. I canceled them, then it tried to sync my library and that hung as well. I canceled those processes and cleaned up my library, but the battery drain still persists


Apple Music draining battery

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