AirPods Won't Connect together
I've had both my left and right AirPods replaced in the past month. I haven't been able to listen to music with them in 8 weeks because now my replacements won't connect together. if I put both of them in the charging case at the same time, the case flashes amber and never turns green or white. When connected separately I found both replacement AirPods to be running different firmware versions. What do I do? this is so frustrating and not worth 200$ I paid for them. My AirPods were both replaced separately weeks apart. the originals stopped playing sound and there was no physical damage. Now both replacements refuse to connect together at the same time no matter how many times I forget the device, or how I try to reconnect them. My iPhone is running the most recent software, so it is not an issue of my phone. What do I do? I'm at my wits end