why do some posters feel the need to be so hostile when answering?
the question was
Anyone know what this is? Can I ditch it or is it a part of the OS?
a good answer was
MICA is part of Apples CoreAnimation
Some of us who have been migrating our Mac's since the 90's invariably have a bunch of crud in the system folders that No Longer have any buisness being there and the OS has not removed over time, hence why we are having a look and wanting to remove stuff. just today i've removed a bunch of extensions from 2005.
these from 2013 & 2015 don't look like they need be their either
the BJUSB is canon bubblejet technology. No idea what CalDigitHDProDrv.kext is or if its still needed as its 7 years old.
This is one reason Apple has moved to a read only Volume in the macOS as we move forward in Catalina.
Your days of " cleaning up Macs" in the system library are limited; or simply do not upgrade beyond your Mojave.
Thats great so long as all the old unnecessary crud from the last decade plus is also excluded too.