iMessage Read Receipts not working
iMesaage read receipts in iOS 13.5 do not work. I have tried every suggestion available: Turn off, restart, turn on. Nothing works. Please help. Thank you.
iPhone 11 Pro Max, iOS 13
iMesaage read receipts in iOS 13.5 do not work. I have tried every suggestion available: Turn off, restart, turn on. Nothing works. Please help. Thank you.
iPhone 11 Pro Max, iOS 13
Thank you! I knew I was not the only one having this issue. Unfortunately, I think the only resolution will be an update push from Apple.
Thank you! I knew I was not the only one having this issue. Unfortunately, I think the only resolution will be an update push from Apple.
Your activation of Read Receipts does not enable you to see anything. If you turn on Read Receipts, people that you send messages to will see that you have read it. For you to see a Read Receipt, the person that you have sent a message to needs to have turned it on. Are you sure they have Read Receipts turned on? Have you received notice from someone that you sent a message to that they read a message and you do not see a notice?
I just moved all my messages from android to google. My messages had read receipts upon moving. Now, when I have messaged people who have told me they have it on, no receipt is provide, only "delivered" appears.
I have the same problem as the OP. I even tested this between my iPhone on 13.5 and my wife's phone on 13.4.1. I can't see if my messages to her are "read", only "delivered". However everything works just fine on her phone like when I read her messages.
Something is definitely wrong here on iOS 13.5 and it's not an SMS issue.
I would say this is not a wide spread problem, since there has not been a lot of talk. I also have my iPhone and iPad working on iOS 13.5 and both are getting Read Receipts since I updated.
Try going to Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings, the power the device off and back on again and then test your iMessage. See if receipts are received after that. Resetting Network Settings will also remove all of your wi-fi passwords as well, so you will have to enter them again.
That would appear that you are speaking about SMS, not iMessage. You cannot get read receipts for SMS, iOS does not support that. All you will get is delivered.
thank you
What do we do
i am hoping the next update will correct it. i do not want to reset everything again. i lived without with android i cam live without again. sorry.
iMessage Read Receipts not working