Call Forwarding Stuck on iPhone 11
So like many others, my call forwarding on my BRAND NEW IPHONE 11 (just 40 days old) has stopped working all of a sudden.
After over an HOUR on the phone with my carrier who couldn’t find any resolution.
• restarted the phone
•refreshed network settings
•restarted the ENTIRE factory settings back to square 1
•turned airplane mode on/off for 5 secs
•”Do Not Disturb”is off
I was transferred to Apple who went through the entire bit n gambit with his me as my carrier service tried to help and to no avail.
the Apple rep had to reassure me it could NEVER be the phone and how dare I even suggest that it’s the piece of technology that “could be made poorly or is broken”?
The rep suggested I reset the entire phone to factory settings and if that didn’t work then MAYBEEEEE it could be the phone.
With the word fighting for injustice the store for my carriers are currently closed so I am unable to speak to someone directly and show them what’s wrong.
I would love to have net call forwarding to work ESPECIALLY during these times as we are in the middle of a pandemic and a crisis and I can’t receive calls in case of an emergency
may I add that I am still able to receive and send texts and also receive FaceTime requests (which doesn’t have anything to do with the phone app but still that’s strange)
when you call my phone it rings a few times and goes to voicemail and has been stuck like this for over two weeks.
can anyone help me??
thank you for your help!!!
iPhone 11