MacOS Catalina Will Not Shut Down Properly
I've got this new Mac mini machine since April 2020 and I've been experiencing shut down issues. Every time the machine is on for a longer time (like a few hours), it won't perform a clean shut down. I have to hold the on/off switch on the back to force it to turn off and that's obviously not OK. I've read a post that is no longer active that this might be due to Time Machine (TM) on an external drive and once TM does its thing the computer would be unable to shut down. I do use TM but it is via network on an Apple Time Capsule. The issue apparently has never been properly resolved at least to my knowledge other than people manually having to eject their TM external drives prior to shut down and I have nothing to be ejected since I am on a Time Capsule over a wired network. I am not even sure if that is indeed the root of the problem in my case. Any insight would be appreciated!
Mac mini, macOS 10.15