You can use MalwareBytes to remove the Adware.
I also would uninstall the Symantec/Norton software since anti-virus and third party security software is not needed on a Mac and usually causes more problems than it solves plus it impacts system performance. I'm not sure about macKeeper, so I will leave that to other more knowledgeable contributors.
If you want to check the health of the hard drive you can do so by running DriveDx. Post the DriveDx report here using the "Additional Text" icon which looks like a piece of paper. If you are still using the original Apple hard drive then it is very likely beginning to fail or it is just wearing out.
The hard drive SATA cable in this particular laptop has an extremely high rate of failure especially when using an SSD so if you decide to upgrade to an SSD you should also replace this cable. Upgrading to an SSD will definitely increase system performance. 4GB of RAM is not very much these days so adding a single 8GB module can help a small bit as well. If you decide to upgrade the memory, then I would suggest purchasing a single module and keeping one of the original 2GB modules so that would give you 10GB of total RAM. Since Macs are very picky about the memory used it is recommended you purchase memory from Crucial or OWC for best results.
Normally a "Service Battery" condition indicates a hardware issue has been detected within the battery, but I'm not sure if the recent macOS changes to battery health management may have changed this. You can still get an official battery replacement through an Apple repair since this laptop is still supported by Apple.