New graphics card for Mac Pro late 2013.
I have experienced nothing but problems with my defective Mac Pro since I purchased it in 2013. It took me a while to learn the problem was actually a manufacturing defect on its factory-installed graphics card (AMD Firepro D300). I have exhausted my attempts to have Apple fix the problem it has created and have given up on it. The computer cost $5,000 and I don't feel like spending yet another $6,000 or more on the new Mac Pro.
With the above in mind does anyone know where I can purchase a new AMD Firepro D300 graphics card so I can try to get my computer to work properly? Is there a big difference between models D300, D500 and D700? I have found D500 and D700 for prices that are lower than the price of the D300. Is this normal considering both the D500 and D700 were offered as upgrades?
Thank you in advance.
Mac Pro