I "Deleted" bootcamp by partitioning all the GB back to MacintoshHD and can't reinstall it: Unable to read the Windows partition
So as the title says, I was trying to reinstall bootcamp so I partitioned all the memory to MacintoshHD. Obviously this is a mistake because now I can't reinstall it using Boot Camp assistant. Here is the error:
Unable to read the Windows partition
Boot Camp Assistant was unable to verify if the Windows partition contains a Windows installation. This may be because BitLocker is enabled on the partition. If so, disable BitLocker on the disk before removing Boot Camp.
The first thing I found online to delete bootcamp was partition all the data back to mac but I didn't know this could occur. BC assistant seems to think I still have a windows instillation installed but since there is no memory left in that startup file it isn't letting me install my new windows instillation. Can someone please help?
Also here is output of diskutil:
list (List the partitions of a disk)
info[rmation] (Get information on a specific disk or partition)
listFilesystems (List file systems available for formatting)
listClients (List all current disk management clients)
activity (Continuous log of system-wide disk arbitration)
u[n]mount (Unmount a single volume)
unmountDisk (Unmount an entire disk (all volumes))
eject (Eject a disk)
mount (Mount a single volume)
mountDisk (Mount an entire disk (all mountable volumes))
enableJournal (Enable HFS+ journaling on a mounted HFS+ volume)
disableJournal (Disable HFS+ journaling on a mounted HFS+ volume)
moveJournal (Move the HFS+ journal onto another volume)
enableOwnership (Exact on-disk User/Group IDs on a mounted volume)
disableOwnership (Ignore on-disk User/Group IDs on a mounted volume)
rename[Volume] (Rename a volume)
verifyVolume (Verify the file system data structures of a volume)
repairVolume (Repair the file system data structures of a volume)
verifyDisk (Verify the components of a partition map of a disk)
repairDisk (Repair the components of a partition map of a disk)
resetFusion (Reset the components of a machine's Fusion Drive)
eraseDisk (Erase an existing disk, removing all volumes)
eraseVolume (Erase an existing volume)
reformat (Erase an existing volume with same name and type)
eraseOptical (Erase optical media (CD/RW, DVD/RW, etc.))
zeroDisk (Erase a disk, writing zeros to the media)
randomDisk (Erase a disk, writing random data to the media)
secureErase (Securely erase a disk or freespace on a volume)
partitionDisk ((re)Partition a disk, removing all volumes)
resizeVolume (Resize a volume, increasing or decreasing its size)
splitPartition (Split an existing partition into two or more)
mergePartitions (Combine two or more existing partitions into one)
appleRAID <verb> (Perform additional verbs related to AppleRAID)
coreStorage <verb> (Perform additional verbs related to CoreStorage)
apfs <verb> (Perform additional verbs related to APFS)
Using a 2017 27" imac.
iMac 27″ 5K, macOS 10.15