Bricked Apple TV 4K
I had a working product until i selected factory reset. During the factory reset the loading bar appeared stuck, then the screen began to loose HDMI signal and regain the HDMI signal, it did that about 9-10 times with the loading bar still stuck, then the device dropped HDMI signal and it did not regain, I left it for about 4 hours. I was unsure if this was part of the factory reset process so i rang apple support, this phone call lasted 30 minutes and in the fact of the progress bar not moving past the 1/4 percent, i was instructed by apple to unplugg it. The HDMI signal came back and dropped out again 2 times. It did not come back a 3rd time and the device remains without a HDMI signal and has a slow white blicking light at the front of device.
In my opinion the device appears bricked, what do you _Apple_ suggest i do?
I also reach out to customers that have experienced similar issues and welcome any suggestions
I feel i should not have to pay repair costs and what i did was not out of scope
Best Regards,
Nicholas W
Apple TV 4K, tvOS 13