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iOS 14 text notification issues

I am not getting sound notifications on text messages nor is the banner showing up on my locked screen. I have an iPhone 11 and just downloaded the latest iOS 14. Have reset my phone twice now. Please advise. Thank you.

[Re-Titled by Moderator]

iPhone 11

Posted on Sep 19, 2020 8:45 AM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Nov 8, 2020 6:17 AM

Like many on here I had been having many of the same issues, missing all sorts of notifications, not just text since upgrading to ios 14 (first 14.1 then 14.2). Here is what fixed my issue... I went to settings->notifications->messages (for this example) and scrolled down to the options section. For the show previews section the "when unlocked (default)" was selected, meaning only notifications would only appear when the phone is unlocked when is hardly ever the case. I switched it always and the issue is now gone. I had to go into may other apps one by one and toggle this option back to always. Showing previews only when unlocked was 100% not my setting before this update.

What is interesting/****** me off is my wife just upgraded to ios14 and did not have issue. I went into her phone to settings->notifications->messages and for her show previews option was selected as "always (default)". Why on her phone she has options listed as "always (default)" and on my is "always" and "when unlocked (default)" I have no clue.

Thanks Apple!

1,668 replies

Jun 14, 2021 6:31 PM in response to alyssa ettinger

Well, I spoke too soon. It worked for two days without problem but today it started missing notifications once again. This is clearly a software issue and I am convinced Apple knows all to well about it. The Apple online and phone reps along with the store tecks act so surprised when told about this from a customer. They could win an Emmy for their "OMG I can't believe it" act. I think we have all been ripped off. Especially those of us who foolishly just purchased an iWatch. Now I am stuck with an iPhone. Otherwise, my apple products would be replaced with something else.

Jun 15, 2021 5:28 AM in response to FDCaptJohn

Yep, same experience I had. Fill out a feedback form to Apple about the bug and maybe when they get enough of them they will put time and resources on fixing the problem. It’s still broken in iOS 14.6 with all upgraded apps I have on my and my wife’s iPhone and watches. 

 I hear they are working on adding new Notification features in iOS 15. Maybe it’ll be accidentally fixed then, like when they accidentally broke it in iOS 14.2. 

Jun 15, 2021 9:36 AM in response to allensinmarietta

When I did my total reset, it did keep my contacts, email, etc however, it did remove some apps. I thought that was a good start. They were apps that apparently haven't used in awhile and they were no longer supported. So that helped clean out the junk. But the fix from that only worked for a couple days. That's very strange to me. How can something be triggered to work for a couple days then stop working. I haven't downloaded any apps since I did the reset so I know that isn't the case. Apple has no idea what their neglect to at least admit to the problem and to let us know when there will be a solid fix. They have no frickin clue how much this is causing troubles for us when clients try to send us messages. At least now that the courts have been closed, and remain closed, due to covid. We depend on Zoom and messaging and email. Not being notified means I have to check either the iWatch or the iPhone on a regular basis.

Jun 15, 2021 2:04 PM in response to Stammlisak

No, it's clearly an Apple software problem. They won't admit it but everything else possible has been eliminated. We will have to sit back and see if they are going to be helpful to their customers or have they taken a different route like the rest of the big tech giants have. Release a product then the **** with it! This could be a huge problem for Apple based on the number of people who have been in the Apple store alone. The Apple guru told me they are in deep loads of **** with customers that are very upset about this and that Apple is not standing up to owning this issue and fixing it.

Jun 15, 2021 2:36 PM in response to deggie

No, it's sporadic. It looks like more people are not having the problem. Most have not been talking about a specific model but those that are having problems with notifications are with the iPhone X (aka iPhone 10, I was told). And happened after the latest update of 10.15.7. That's all I know and have heard from others. My wife is one who id not experiencing it. She did for a day or two but it started working again. (very strange) She does not update her Apple products until a month or so after the release exactly for this purpose. She waits to see if there are any issues before she updates. So, maybe there are some like her that hasn't said anything since they didn't update.

Jun 15, 2021 2:43 PM in response to FDCaptJohn

So your issue is sporadic, even on your iPhone and is not happening at all on your wife's. One of the hardest problems to diagnose and fix. You have called AppleCare, asked for tier 2 support and volunteered to put a profile on your iPhone so they can monitor it and see what is happening? Is this all notifications or only some? And what is 10.15.7?

Jun 15, 2021 3:34 PM in response to deggie

No, my issue is no notification at all. Forget what I said about my wife's phone. I obviously confused things. Yes I was escalated to tier 2 support. They simply had me go through the same exercises as the tech did at the Apple store with the exception of whatever it was they tried from their end.

I did know, nor did they say anything about a profile or monitoring. After the update ios 14.6 (I gave the wrong device update version) and until I took the phone to the Apple store to be looked at, the notifications were sporadic. After the tech did a Reset Network settings, the notifications stop working completely. He then said he had to do a Reset All Settings. I will say it got rid of some apps that I have not used and had forgotten about. He said they must be no longer supported. Kept all my contacts and mail but took out screen saver and some other small stuff that I could reinstall. My phone seems a bit faster! However, I receive no notifications of any kind since doing that. He simply handed the phone back and told me to keep trying to work with Apple.

Jun 15, 2021 3:41 PM in response to deggie

I’ll volunteer an answer. I have a 12 Pro Max, bought in November. Previously had an 8+. Text sounds stopped randomly in September, or whenever iOS 14 came out, so, before my new phone. I have been called by Tier 2 support, he collected analytics from my phone over the course of 3 weeks. He personally couldn’t do anything, he could only send off the analytics to whoever looks at that. He greatly sympathized with me but said the only other thing I could do is a factory reset. I’ve seen others here say that’s no help so I’m not doing that. Other things have happened like the timer not making a sound when time ran out. I’m out of options.

Jun 20, 2021 11:04 AM in response to Frank G

Got that right. One person I was talking to at the apple store did say, "you can upgrade your phone" The phone you have now will offset the cost of a new one fairly well". I call bullshit on Apple right now. What a mistake I made recently buying a iWatch. Now I am stuck with apple. If I hadn't bought the watch, I would have switched to a different brand phone already.

Jun 22, 2021 11:11 AM in response to Brogelle

Ever since being on iOS 14, I only get sound notifications half of the time. I can be sitting right next to my phone on the table and hear nothing. I also have the vibrate turned on hinking maybe sound was malfunctioning but during these instances, it won't vibrate either. Then an hour or two later, I will pick up my phone and see messages on the locked screen. So infuriating! It is not from any particular person (so not a blocking issue). I've tried deleting entire message threads with some people and this issue keeps happening. I have an iphone SE 2020.

Jun 22, 2021 1:33 PM in response to dritzal

So while this isn’t a solve for everyone’s issues it is a solve for my lack of sound notifications. I turned off the “change sound with buttons” selection under Settings - Sounds & Haptics. My vibrations are now “loud enough/strong enough” again to notify me that a message is coming through.

I suspect this is due to my use of tik tok and having my actual sound turned down a bit more than I was used to. Prior to that my sound was rarely truly on and prior to the ios14 update the button adjustment on sounds of text notifications was never as greatly affected by the volume control from a vibration standpoint.

I know this isn’t a fix for every scenario but it has greatly improved my perception of notifications.

Jun 22, 2021 1:35 PM in response to Brogelle

I seriously can't believe this problem is still ongoing. But hey, I have a workaround! I noticed that if I restart my iPhone, the next text message that comes in seems to generate an alert. So all you have to do is restart your phone every time you receive a text message! It only takes about a minute! In fact, I think Apple can just go ahead and close this issue.

iOS 14 text notification issues

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