Most of my issues have been resolved...
Problems I had:
- Some (but not all) newly-completed workouts would fail to show up in iPhone Fitness app.
- Maps for workouts completed before upgrade to iOS/watchOS 14/7 simply did not exist. Nothing down there below the heart rate chart.
- Maps for workouts completed since upgrade to iOS/watchOS 14/7 would only have a single green pin.
All of my "missing" workouts have reappeared and new workouts are appearing.
All of my previous workouts are still there (takes hours to restore this data from iCloud, be patient).
All of the workout maps are back.
Workout maps after September 23 show complete routes.
One remaining issue: Workout maps before September 23 show just a single green pin, no route.
Before ("Today" = Tuesday):
After (1.01mi and 3.00mi runs now show):
What did not help:
- Unpairing and re-pairing watch (from backup or as new).
- Clearing workout calibration data.
- Resetting network settings.
- Updating to iOS/watchOS 14.0.1/7.0.1.
- Rebooting phone.
- Probably some other things I don't remember.
What did help:
- Make sure all the apps whose data I cared about were turned "on" under settings > your name > iCloud (for purpose of this activity data we're having issues with, "Health" needs to be on). I changed some from off to on, so waited a while (next day) to be sure stuff got sync'd.
- Make sure iCloud Backup was recent ("backup now").
- Left watch paired to phone (Apple Support recommended unpairing, but I did not).
- Reset phone ("erase all content and settings").
- Used "restore from iCloud" when setting up phone.
Pretty cool how after the phone was restored the watch automatically rebooted/re-syncronized and I didn't have to re-setup anything related to the watch. Also nice that I was able to use the watch for two-factor iCloud authentication when initiating the phone's restore from iCloud. These are why I made note of not unpairing the watch in steps above.