Import accurate MIDI from Live?
Hi folks,
New to Logic Pro X as of today, I had been testing out Ableton for a few weeks but decided to go this route for my new hobby. But now I'm hitting a surprisingly frustrating wall: I had created some MIDI stuff in Live that I don't want to lose, and while I'm happy to recreate the instrument and pan/volume settings, I don't want to have to redo the actual MIDI compositions, which I would think would be the most universal part of what I created.
And yet, no matter what I have tried, the exported/imported MIDI files are completely useless — the drum track beat positions are off even though I have the same tempo set in both apps, and the composition is bizarre, the hi-hat voice is absent for a long time before it comes in, and none of the velocity nuance is there at all.
Any idea what's going on here? From a tech-savvy but music-neophyte standpoint this makes no sense, it seems like this should be super simple, straightforward data. Help!