I have the same problem with an iPhone 12 Mini.
First of all I can't understand why so many Apple defend here. It’s a great telephone but....
No, it is not normal for a mobile phone camera to reflect a light source this heavy in the picture, be it on a pole, in the sky or anywhere else in the picture. We are not talking about a simple lense flare...we are talking about copying the light source randomly anywhere in the Foto and make it useless.
This was also confirmed by Apple support when I showed photos.
I was connected up to a higher ranking technician who said it must be defect and the device needed to be replaced.
What do I say... the new one of course has the same problem since it is obviously a problem of the whole 12 series.
I'm sorry, a single point in the picture may be normal but not what is happening here. I also find it hard to believe that no one in any product quality tests notices something like this before so that FOUR new models are are launched this way and are almost useless at night. (I know it sounds drastic but it's really like this... the ones, that film with their phone will confirm it). And this ,with a product that is often bought because of the good camera.
by the way... the problem completely disappeares with the ultra wide lense.
In my opinion, Apple must react with a solution...