Weird circle appear on screen #iphone 12pro
Weird circle appear on screen
whats going on?
iPhone 12 Pro, iOS 14
Weird circle appear on screen
whats going on?
iPhone 12 Pro, iOS 14
I have also the circles....has somebody any infos abou that?
When they appear I just think of them as crop circles.
I have this same exact thing only when the phone is smudged does it show
I have the same problem on my iPhone 12 mini. Anyone knows if it’s serious?
hello brother, it’s not serious… if you remove the screen protection it will disappear…. But try to use another type of screen protection. Don’t worry…
Same black circle on my purple iPhone 12 in the middle area, I have it only 2 days, it can be because of the screen protector, but I am not sure
I s tried to take a picture of it. But when I do, the whole circle doesn’t come out in the pic. ??? Please help
I have the exact rings on my screen too. I can see it in daylight even after wiping my screen completely clean.
Weird circle appear on screen #iphone 12pro