Hey Everyone,
I created a quick video on Youtube to show you all how I got my software installed and working.
Note - The SD Video has been uploaded, but it will be HD within 10 minutes as that's still processing.
Again the steps I took to resolve my issue:
1. Uninstall any current versions you have already installed (not by dragging and dropping into the recycling bin) but by following the steps below:
Steps to remove:
1. Click/Open Finder
2. Click on your name
3. Show hidden folders by clicking SHIFT + Command + Period
4. Open the library folder
5. click on Application Support
6. Click on Portable_SSD folder
7. Double click on the file called CleanupT7PlusAll.scpt
8. This will open like a terminal and click on the play button to run/uninstall all current versions of the Samsung software.
Once that is done you need to ensure you are installing the correct version of the T7 Touch SSD found at https://www.samsung.com/semiconductor/minisite/ssd/download/portable/
Note: There are 3 options to download for Mac and the correct one if you're using Mac Big Sur is the 3rd option which has the version beside it that mentions 1.7.3
The exact name: Portable SSD Software 1.0 for Mac (The macOS Big Sur user's only)