Calculator Vault App Not working after recent upgrade to iOS 14.2
Calculator Vault App Not working after recent upgrade to iOS 14.2. There are important documents inside. Please help.
iPhone XS
Calculator Vault App Not working after recent upgrade to iOS 14.2. There are important documents inside. Please help.
iPhone XS
I need my stuff too. I have a ton of banking transactions I need to access as well as passwords. I did not know this was possible or I would never have used the APP. Has worked perfectly for 4 years. Why did it die now? Has anyone resolved the issue successfully?
Where I come from the the phrase is “could not care less” which is a lot more logical, but anyway…..
Again…Apple is in no position to know whether an individual developer is maintaining an app or not. They provide the platform - it is for the developers to conduct their business appropriately.
But if you want Apple to read what you think…….
First off, since you don't read things you agree to, this is a user-to-user technical support site operated by Apple, no Apple management is here.
Second, are you referring to the same app that the rest of the people in this thread are referring to? Did you contact the developer?
Seems the developer dumped that app some time back and went on to a different app for a vault with In-App purchases and a newer password app. I didn't find anything on how to contact her. The app would have to be working for you to find the contact information within the app.
The message you are getting has nothing to do with the privacy requirements which she hasn't met for her other two apps but sounds more like it was a 32 bit app.
I need help on calculator + I know the developer is still out there, because I’m still getting charged a monthly fee for the app that won’t open because they have not updated it. Where is the Fee going to?
Thank you for your reply, I have checked every single folder, every folder has sub-folder named 'library', but can't see 'data', Now I'm doing another backup just in case of missing anything in the first one.
I have really important data in CalC+
and its not working on IOS 14.2
can any1 kindly provide me the developers contact? or any info
so i can extract my data and documents from their Server.
Please help
Those are the instructions I used to extract my documents from the backup.
It totally free, U dont need to pay anything
if u further need any sort of help
U can text me on Whatsapp
Those are the instructions I used to extract my documents from the backup.
Still if u are not able to locate ur file
U can contact me on my whatsapp
for instant on time data recover
[Personal Information Edited by Moderator]
Thank you for the link to recover files.
I have located the app under com.onewave.lockedphotosvideoscalc
I have recovered photos and video files in the ‘library’ and under ‘application support’ folder but have been unable to locate documents and notes in this app.
There is a couple of .sqlite files in the folder. Could these be the documents/notes I am looking for? When exported the files present in code. Is there a conversion for sqlite?
Hey man. This actually happened to me. You’ll have to save everything on your iCloud. Back up all your pictures, contacts, apps, etc. Go to a mac computer and downgrade your iOS. In doing so you’re wiping your phone, erasing everything. Only then you can access that app. It works. It’s a pain, just make sure you save everything on your iCloud.
I TOTALLY agree!! It IS BS!!! And they should have given us a warning that they weren't going to update it, so we could've obtained another similar account to resave our crap in. I don't use a MAC so I'm screwed!
Does anyone have any idea of how to recover photos from Calc+ without being able to open it? Would t be possible to load an older operating system and recover the photos and then reload the latest operating software?
So I thought it was just a fluke. I bought a new iphone and did the easy switch-over from one phone to the other, and, just out of curiosity I tried to open the app. ... ... when to my surprise, it opened!! It worked. I was like, ummm, don't close it, don't update anything, ... just don't. Now I'm seeing people did another update to the app and are saying it's working again, then again, some are saying it didn't help. So IDK if mine is a fluke or not, but what I am say is, now that it IS working again, I'm searching for a new APP JIC, as a backup!
Huh? Apps stop working because developers abandon them or fail to maintain them. Apple is in constant touch with developers about forthcoming iOS updates and what they will need to do to update their apps. They provide beta versions for testing. They can’t warn users because they have no way of knowing what developers are or are not doing.
And no….Apple isn’t reading this.
I could care less about what Apple is discussing with developers. What I’m talking about is a compatibility check of your current apps before you update the the new IOS. Such as “ WARNING, THESE APPS WILL NOT WORK AFTER UPDATE. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE”. that simple check would solve a lot of problems. Again, I blame Apple. They should be reading these posts.
Calculator Vault App Not working after recent upgrade to iOS 14.2