Removing old iPhone from account.
I just migrated to a new phone (iphone 8+ to 12 pro max) I used the icloud backup / and redownloaded all photos locally using iCloud photo. Before I started the restore, I put it in airplane mode / disabled BT and shut it down. Find my phone has been moved to my new phone.
Couple questions on removing the old phone from my account.
The old phone still shows up in Find my devices, can I just delete without affecting anything?
The old phone is showing up under my devices, can I just delete without affecting anything?
From the Photos perspective, what happens when I just wipe the old phone (i'd like to repurpose it for my kid using her apple ID)? I'm assuming photos just stay where they are in the cloud and any other devices that has my iCloud account photos enabled?
Also, I recall reading/seeing something that if you ever disable iCloud photo on a device the photos that were created by the device will stay there. will removing/wiping the actual device that they were created with affect that? or the photos are now "associated" with my new iPhone.
Thank You,