Updated today and keyboard is working like before. I had a strange situation yesterday when I resteted the bluetooth module, after restart the keyboard does not respond on password screen but after connecting the mouse to usb hub on keyboard mouse moved but then suddenly disconnect and reconnect but I cannot type because the keyboard does not respond. After I disconnect the mouse the keyboard is recognized and then it worked like before.
I do not recommend doing the bluetooth reset because when you dont have mouse laging with bluetooth you will have it after the reset! My mouse then laging when i click on audio button on menu bar and in music app for about 6 sec and then works like normal. But it starts laging again when I click again on audio button in menu bar or open music app after quiting it.
I manage this problem disconnecting my usb 3.0 hub and shuttdow mac and pluged it out for 15sec then plug it back in and wait another 10 sec and then power it on. After all that procedure it now works like before without any laging or keyboard issues.