Airport Extreme - Possible WIRED extension?
I live in an old building with a terrible wireless connectivity. I have a cable modem from the local internet provider. When I connect my Airport Extreme (AE1) to the LAN port of the modem I get nice Wifi as expected.
Since the internal connectivity in our building is very bad, I have decided to pull a CAT6 cable from the LAN1 port of AE1 to a little Airport Express (AE2) in the other end of the building.
By doing so I would expect an extension of the wifi network defined by AE1.
In close range between AE1 and AE2 it works wirelessly.
BUT every time I plug in the cable in the LAN port I seem to loose internet connectivity from AE1 to the cable modem. As such the new wifi is working fine between AE1 and AE2 - I even see a solid line in the Airport Utility. But again the Internet connection goes orange.
Any way to fix this? I suspect maybe a security relay issue in the modem config.
Thanks in advance :-)
Best Regards,