Cell entry in Numbers too large to fit
In one of the columns in Numbers I want to add text to a cell but it is too lengthy. Is there a hyperactive symbol I can enter that would lead to the text stored elsewhere?
iMac Line (2012 and Later)
In one of the columns in Numbers I want to add text to a cell but it is too lengthy. Is there a hyperactive symbol I can enter that would lead to the text stored elsewhere?
iMac Line (2012 and Later)
Add a comment to the cell. The comment will cause a small yellow triangle to show in the upper right corner of the cell.
Placing the pointer on the cell will open the "comment:"
Add a comment to the cell. The comment will cause a small yellow triangle to show in the upper right corner of the cell.
Placing the pointer on the cell will open the "comment:"
If wrap text is on and your "too lengthy" text is making the row really tall, adjust the height of the row by hand and the automatically increasing row height will stop. You can show however much of the text you want to see. When you want to see all of it, double click on the cell.
If wrap text is off and your "too lengthy" text is spilling into cells to the right, type something (a space character for example) into the cell directly to the right and that will stop. Your text will stay within the boundaries of the cell. Double click your cell to see the entire text.
Cell entry in Numbers too large to fit