How do I disable notification centre in Big Sur?
Reposting a question from January:
How do I completely and permanently disable the notification centre in Big Sur (on an M1 macbook Air)?
I went to System Preferences -> Notifications and turned off "Allow Notifications" for each app, but doesn't help, because built-in apps, like Safari, simply aren't listed so it's impossible to turn notifications off.
I also set "Turn on Do Not Disturb" from 2:01am to 2:00am in the hopes of disabling notifications, but still I find some notifications!!! Obviously this Do not disturb feature is broken or maybe at 2:00am the notifications are popping up and then remaining for me to see in the morning, not sure.
In some previous Mac OS X versions, I used this:
launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
However, with Big Sur I'm getting:
Unload failed: 5: Input/output error
I have tried all kinds of other launchctl commands, but I'm afraid I can't figure out what to run even after running man page, which unfortunately doesn't list any launchctl usage examples.
Please don't tell me just to click the icon. I don't want notifications AT ALL - the screen is littered with them from the moment of login.
MacBook Air