Battery shenanigans with the iOS 14.4 on I gen SE
Hi fellow iPhone users,
I've noticed a very worrying thing since installing the iOS14 - my battery basically started to lose juice just because the phone is on. No additional functions are on (like wi-fi or bt), sometimes I don't even have new activity (notifications) or not using my phone at all and yet the battery simply runs down like crazy.
It's not super-cold outside anymore (and room temp inside my flat) and the battery is at 82% capacity (yeah, I know - not super high but after 5 years and never been replaced it's still should be minimum functional). Sometimes with night-time mode even when I have a 100% I wake up and have below 50 or even in red (like today). I did a full system restore two weeks ago with installing just the newest 14.4.2 and it sorta helped but still it's quite bad. On top of it stuff like that didn't happen with iOS 13 installed.
Does anyone have similar problems? I know that I should prepare to replace the battery but I'm afraid the the iOS overload will just be too much and I'm way to short on cash right now in order to invest in something that won't work/help. I'm kinda feeling pressure that I need to buy a new phone in order to use it like it should be used and that's not cool either...
BR - E!
iPhone SE, iOS 14