Keyboard and Touchpad not working on Windows 10 (Bootcamp)
I have some issues with keyboard and touchpad on my Windows 10 that I installed on my MacBook Pro 13" 2016 (Touchbar) with Bootcamp. Windows usually runs very good, but I had my mac in service due to touchbar display issue and now, when dey upgrade (change to newer) my keyboard and touchpad, it doesnt run. I dont know, If it is because I upgrade macOS from 11.2 to 11.2.3 (when it arrived from service, I didn't try to turn on Windows right away, but I installed the update first and then tried Windows).
I tried to reinstall BootCamp on Windows (Bootcamp doesnt show keyboard or touchpad options) and uninstall driver from Device Manager and it still not working. But my Apple MagicMouse and Touchbar runs very good.
Everyone know something, how can I repair this issue, please?