Why do I have 2i IP address and what’phone is connected to them
Why do i have 2 IP address and what phone they connect to
iPhone 7 Plus
Why do i have 2 IP address and what phone they connect to
iPhone 7 Plus
You can have lots of IP addresses.
Most devices on a network have an IPv4 address, an IPv4 multicast address, the broadcast address, and a bevy of IPv6 equivalents.
For each network interface.
IP addresses are ways to, well, address and connect to your iPhone.
IP addresses (network interfaces really) can connect to any other reachable IP address.
Telephone calls can be by cellular network, or can be by IP connection, a d an IP connection will have IP addresses.
Mail, contacts, calendars, FaceTime, most apps on your iPhone will use IP networking in some manner.
You can have lots of IP addresses.
Most devices on a network have an IPv4 address, an IPv4 multicast address, the broadcast address, and a bevy of IPv6 equivalents.
For each network interface.
IP addresses are ways to, well, address and connect to your iPhone.
IP addresses (network interfaces really) can connect to any other reachable IP address.
Telephone calls can be by cellular network, or can be by IP connection, a d an IP connection will have IP addresses.
Mail, contacts, calendars, FaceTime, most apps on your iPhone will use IP networking in some manner.
Why do I have 2i IP address and what’phone is connected to them