ios App Store app: How can I sort purchased apps by name?
Problem: I am looking at the purchased apps list of someone else's phone. It has hundreds of installed apps. I want to find one of them. They are listed in most-recently-purchased order, which also seems to be least-likely-to-be-useful.
My wife has a problem with the Hue app using the wrong IP address. She decided the best use of her time is to feed the Akitas while I fix it. Fair enough - she has been cussing about it for months.
The app works fine on my phone but not on hers. She is running one minor release older than mine so I would like to update it.
When I go into Purchased Apps, there is a list of apps that scrolls through to Hong Kong. The app I am looking for is in there somewhere, but the ordering appears to be completely random. My analysis incidates they are ordered by the middle 32 bits of the icon file.
Is it possible to list the apps in some sensible, searchable manner, such as alphabetical by name? Scrolling though 150 apps looking for a mostly dark-white-on-light-white background is cruel and unusual punishment. It is playing merry heck with my Aspbergers.
The Question:
Is it possible to sort purchased apps by name? And if not, why not?