I understand your frustration, as many people are having the same issue. You will be told on here by certain persons that it is "your fault, you should have never been accessing photos that way, it's not approved". But that's a load of you know what.
I agree that the year-month could be easier to use, if you happen to know the date of the photo you are looking for; however for me, it created at least twice as many folders, so if I am searching for a photo I now have to click many more folders.
So many people on this forum seem to have never used a real camera; this is the exact format of every other camera, e.g. 100CANON, 101CANON, etc., when you access the storage card.
As for Android, I guarantee that it is not any better; it stores photos in the same 100,101,102 format as well. Actually, my wife has an Android, and I find it quite confounding, because there isn't just one DCIM folder, there are multiple different places on the phone you have to search if you want to find all the photos, screenshots, etc. (double that if you have an expansion sim card too). I positively dread any time she asks me to backup her photos.