notthatsas wrote:
I have the same issue with my 2017 Mac book pro 15". The screen goes black when opened past about 50 degrees. I see that the 13" are covered in the repair program yet 15" are not. Why? The apple store quoted about $700 to fix the issue by replacing the display. Anyone have a good solution?
Unfortunately Apple does not recognize the same cable issue exists in other USB-C Macs (design flaw in my opinion). Only Apple knows why they don't acknowledge the issue. I believe there is a pending lawsuit regarding the issue.
Your current options are to replace the display as quoted, purchase a new computer (will it be another Mac or a non-Apple computer?), use an external display, or attempt to use the laptop with the screen at the 45 degree angle. Pick the option which works best for you.
You can also check your local consumer protection laws to see if any of them can help you.
You can provide Apple with product feedback here (Apple will not respond):
You can contact Apple corporate to tell them about the problem and how you feel about it (Apple may respond with this option, but don't expect them to fix it for free -- that Apple no longer exists):